
Employers please pay your employees fairly. 

IMHO he’s one of the best in comedy right now and part of that is that not everyone is going to be happy with his humor. 

Also her response of I don’t know who the person is or anything about this situation/how things operate there isn’t a great defense when it’s your restaurant.

In a court document, the legal team for Bar Vegan claimed that Georgia and other employees “were paid compensation beyond that to which they were entitled while employed by Bar Vegan, such additional compensation would satisfy, in whole or in part, any alleged claim for unpaid minimum wages and/or overtime or other

“I wanted him to have a positive view of police officers and not all the negativity he sees on TV,” Jackson said.”

Well, at least now they have the same level of respect for police officers.

So was this an organized 🤔 effort of a gathering that everyone was aware that autistic kids were the focus group, or were the kkkops just being their usual indignant selves anyway as per usual?

Stay away from cops. They are stupid. They are bullies. They are the worst that society has to offer to protect the worst that society is. They are power run amok.

“Jackson told reporters her uncle was a police officer, which led her to want her son to gain the same respect for law enforcement as she had.”

There’s no point pretending. That goes for them, the people paid to beat us and imprison us and violate our civil rights as much as it goes for us citizens trying to navigate through life without getting killed by law enforcement. I respect what this mother wanted to do and I salute her efforts, but I think the

The kid also made the threat a week earlier when he brought bullets to school.

Oh, ya got ME started with this “I’m a child of the 70's/80's jazz. Now I’m not the oldest nut in the tree but me? I’m a child of the 50's/60's AND I attended parochial school back when they had The Real Irish Nuns-trademark inc., my pops-bless him deeply was a Black man born in the DEEEP South and did NOT spare the

The media and others like to compare Black people to try and eliminate or minimize our Nations significance.  This is another form of disinformation, division and destruction of the strongest people on the face of the earth. Insignificant people are always working to minimize or eliminate Greatness!! This is another

Please take the registered gun owner into custody and not the child. A six year old is clueless and thinks everything is fun and games. An adult did the six year old dirty allowing access to the firearm. 

The imitator troll continues in the greys here.  This isn’t the real Dr Emilio.


You can add: “Right wing power and their trolls are terrified by both people”. There wouldn’t be such a push via right-wing GQPeeWees to denigrate Jeffries if he wasn’t going to be able to make a difference and didn’t have the power to stand up to them.

Just an FYI...there’s an incel troll in the grays who is now imitating me.

America doesn’t deserve another educated Black person because America doesn’t want progress. They like rolling around in their filth. Grifting in the echo chamber is easier than personal accountability.

I would like to partake in the drugs you’re partaking.