
Against Black women’s consent?

They’ll come for gay people next, but eventually, they'll get around to us. 

In fairness, that’s 7 more than most of the gun-humpers comprising the bulk of party recognize.

Yep. This should come as a surprise to exactly no one. And, anyone who doesn’t think this “deeply rooted” rationale will be used to erode other rights has been asleep for the last 25 years.

Wake up people, we ARE the shithole country!

And we’re surprised by this? Anyone that is must have been asleep. We knew it was coming the minute that McConnell put the Handmaid’s Tale on the Court.

This. We CAN vote our way out of this. Or we COULD if people stop waiting for “the big ones” to vote. The GOP proves you can vote get things your way, at least on the local and state levels. I mean, people seem to only tout the Green Party during a presidential election with their sad, little previously unknown.

Some of the worst misinformation comes from other Black people. *waves to Kanye and Ice Cube*

Compromising is sort of the bedrock of democracy.

Things like that, which were prevalent in every majority Black neighborhood I’ve ever lived in, coupled with the flat-out disenfranchisement in the form of removing polling locations (in widespread metro areas where hardly anyone can get around without driving longer distances) and restricting mail-in voting is

To this day, I cannot wrap my head around the Republican party making the right to vote as tricky or difficult as possible for black Americans, but then getting OFFENDED when they’re called racist.

What do you expect not voting to accomplish?

RBG definitely deserves a good part of the blame for this one, not retiring when Obama won his second term was foolish hubris. 

I think they care more about continuing the 2 party system and their corporate masters then people actually getting out to vote. Politics being a team sport benefits the politicians, not the people.

I’ve been saying it’s impossible to vote our way out of it ever since I started voting.  Tool of the oligarchy who represents big business vs. tool of the oligarchy who dog whistles AND represents big businesses is never gonna come out on the side of the common person.

Voting isn’t solely the way out of this but it is ABSOLUTELY a part of it.

Cause the problem is people get worked up and vote once ever 4 years for president and expect all to then be right with the word. The GOP got to where we are today by going local and taking control at county and state house levels, turning out to vote every single time. not once every 4 years or more cause there was

Well then, we might as well give up on ever partaking in a true democracy ever again. 

It’s not like we didn’t vote our way out of this. Then there is always a Democrat with some petty fucking reason to allow some shit like this to happen. If, for instance, RGB retires during the Obama administration instead of partaking in a petty grudge and trying to wait out his 8 years so her friend Hillary would