
look, criminal defense attorneys will throw EVERYTHING at the wall to see what sticks in the name of defending their client. We’re going to see a TON of breathtakingly audacious and hilariously stupid defenses like this over the coming months and years so let’s just sit back and enjoy them. When these idiots get

The flaw in his argument is he isn’t a cop anymore. No Blue Wall for him! LOL!

I think the most glaring flaw in this argument is that it misses the extent to which one’s representation and their legal expertise shapes one’s defense.


Congratulations indeed. It took way too long. 

an absolute national treasure.... this brother is something else

Surely the cops saw this ages ago? Yet nothing came of it? Like what are they doing?

Ah the American past time of starting a fight that you then begin to lose, so you pull the heat. Call it the “Zimmerman”

But how you going to claim self defense if you threw the first punch? Also, if the other guy was not rushing at you, coming towards you or anything, how also is that self defense? 

This is too much concentrated, freshly squeezed niggrance to consume in one gulp.

I want to hug you. Perfect response to asswipes like that. 

They were the only black storeowners in the town.

Preach! Please say it louder for the folks in the back.

“the cops could see people calmly putting things on shelves - rather than taking them off and putting them in a big bag” -

Overnights would be the best time to restock as to not trip over customers. That makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is when the Black person says “I own this place.” and the cops demand he put the keys in the door to prove it, something that they would just take as gospel from a white person if they were in a store

Thank you for taking out the trash Raineyb1013 !!!

It would also help to stop having Faux News on at the police station 24/7, and to weed out the actual members of White Supremacy groups that are on the force.

This is what happens when you interview with the express purpose of weeding out “thinkers”. You get idiots who see people in a store and think “robbers” instead of noticing the fact that they are putting stock BACK, not taking it.

Jon Welner, the city’s mayor, says that despite the tainting incident, he’s happy to see it resolved outside of court.

For the one grey trying to dismiss racial profiling here, one just has to examine whether a white couple would have faced the same situation while working in their store at night.