
Trump investigation is still ongoing, Bragg got enough pushback that he isn’t getting rid of it.

Came here for this.  There’s no way she stays out of further trouble.  No. Fucking. Way.

Good lord, that didn’t take long, did it? I guess your typical corrupt politician, with only the really dumb & careless ones getting caught, especially in New York!

Sad to say but this is a very New York kinda scandal. Don’t let the Republicans tell you this is just a Democratic thing — Republicans have been in legal trouble for doing variations on the same thing. Vincent Leibell, Joe Bruno, Dean Skelos, and (I think?) Tom Libous are the names that most immediately come to mind.

if she stays out of trouble for the next two years, according to ABC News.

3 arrests in under 3 years and barely a slap on the wrist. Complexion for the protection indeed.

Nothing. She’s white.

So......what’s her actual punishment?

From the rest of your replies I can tell that you don’t care and have no good will in this conversation but that won’t change who you are, a sad and pathetic person who will never be happy. Sad.

But, honestly, who hasn’t sold weed to Dave?

What is up with your sources in the top paragraph? The first 4 links in Proof of your statement “was allegedly bullied at Foxboro Elementary school in Farmington, Utah for being autistic and Black”

Schools in general have never, ever given a shit about bullying. I’m amazed thinking back on a kid I went to school with. His crime was being heavy and liking fantasy novels. Constantly tormented. I remember one day in chemistry class when another fine citizen heated up a piece of metal in a Bunsen burner and gave

That’s what happens when you have shitheads like Cawthorn begging moms to raise their son as a monster...

Huh, this is the most phenomenally incorrect thing I have read today. Breathtaking, really. I’m impressed.

This is such a clear illustration of our current political problems; that some uneducated people are motivated to vote for politicians who are equally uneducated/unintelligent, because it makes them feel better. Welcome to Idiocracy -> Autocracy.

I’ve endured what this poor girl had, and it left its scars. The sheer societal apathy toward black people and double for being on the spectrum does a fine job at isolating us when growing up in an willfully ignorant society.

He’ll probably win, and he’ll be busted for something while in office. Nothing falls faster than self-indulgent Black men who don’t know where and who they are.

Black folks who have their eye’s wide-open aren’t surprised that Georgia’s (mostly) White GOP electorate would swoon over a creep who’s Lester Maddox in blackface, has multiple personalities, beats up females, lives out-of-state, just bought crayons for the two books in his library, attended college but speaks English

White people are always looking for useful idiots wrapped in black skin. Hershel Walker is the latest and they don’t care about his qualifications or character as long as he promises to be an effective black overseer on the republican plantation. He’ll join Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas....

America does not give one flying fuck about its handicapped citizens.