
They are by no means a beacon of morality, but Juggalos are most often people judged and cast from typical suburban white society in the same manner as gay/trans kids are. Very much the opposite of what this bill stands for. They most often are good and accepting people. The schools that uphold this law will most

I definitely wouldn’t compare Halley Berry as a plus for further diverse casting. That movie was horrible. Not because of her (she did a good job with the material), but her name was still attached to it.

Wow, so you are gonna deny the experience of a sista because she is fair skinned. I have to say that your colorism is showing, and you are in fact part of the problem. The fact that a woman of color is not only judging another woman of color because of her “hue” is problematic to begin with, let alone devaluing, if

Can you guzzle your colorism haterade a bit more discreetly? Did you miss the part where she was famous just for being born, simply via her parents? Her parents just *happen* to essentially be Black royalty, and she just *happens* to be fair skinned. Both of these are things out of her control, as was the casting for

Every generation has to fight for its humanity.

While Juggalos and all things related to them are not my cup of tea, they are a broad community of weirdos who tend to stand up for each other. I’m sure there are some who don’t, but overall they tend to be down for a ton of social justice causes, and they shouldn’t be reduced to a punch line. Especially not comparing

I’m saddened by how slow things go. This bill reminds me of the push by Anita Bryant in the 1970's — she tried to get Florida to ban gay & lesbian people from getting jobs in public schools. That was almost 50 years ago! This bill wouldn’t ban them from getting jobs, but it would ban them from admitting their

Can’t wait to see Batman. 

Colorism being common doesn’t negate racism.

Florida, the state that has the government that wants to both lock down student minds and also allow their bodies to be riddled with bullets at random.  Good on the kids for standing up against all of this!

These kids are making good trouble. If my children got suspended for standing up for justice, they would absolutely have my support.

I think you are confusing the success of a small number of people to be indicative of the entire group.. (something many racists like to bring up I might point out.. (ie: “You just had a black president... so it proves racism is dead so any race related issues are made up or you are taking things out of context”)


I noticed it too. Thanks for giving me the push to read it. Also,

What “Urban” is code for in casting is well understood. It just feels unusually silly to say someone is “too urban” for a movie involving Gotham City, literally the dystopian archetype of urban in its proper definition.

Yet Viola Davis and other dark and brown skin women in film destroy your whole argument.

Neither she nor any of the women you mentioned have a reason to feel guilty. White Supremacy isn’t team lightskin, or team White adjacent, it’s Team White. 

Ugh, Christopher Nolan is a director I really like save for the fact that his movies have almost exclusively white casts. I doubt that at this point in her career Kravitz was up for a lead role, but it would have been nice to see more melanin anywhere in these movies. You can’t just cast Morgan Freeman and call it a

FWIW, the NYT has a longer story about her in its Good Reads. Incredibly interesting. Worth noting: her collection may be worth as much as 7.5 million dollars.

Florida stays wild. A friend of mine went to Florida a few months ago to visit family. He said that on the way from the airport to his family’s house, he saw no less than a dozen flags that was half an American flag, then the bottom half a hand lifting the flag up to reveal a confederate flag underneath. All the flags

I feel like reparations at this point are electorally toxic, at a time when the Dems can ill afford that.