I agree completely with the thrust of the article, but in the interests of accuracy, I think you’ll that Nashville isn’t in Alabama ;-)
I agree completely with the thrust of the article, but in the interests of accuracy, I think you’ll that Nashville isn’t in Alabama ;-)
I think people over assume the average voters interest and following of politics. I know what they mean in general (though some police abolitionists also use the term which I immagine isn’t hugely helpful to using it for a more concrete singular narrative) because I read news on sites that largely focus on politics…
Prince was a born performer and a generational talent.
There’s already a leftist party: the Green Party. Join them.
As the general public?
Is this one of those things that only people on Twitter are talking about which is being blown way out of proportion by sites having a slow news day?
Yeah, Prince and MJ are definitely in the top 2 halftime performances. This was cool, but not great, and I love all of them (only like 50, he's ok).
The Awkwafina “controversy” is pretty overblown. Detractors are basically saying that you’re not allowed to sound like you’re from Queens if you’re Asian? She should be doing karate for you and mixing up Rs and Ls instead? Fuckin yikes.
“POL14_5 To what extent, if at all, do you believe the following proposals would decrease the rate of violent crime in the United States? Hiring social workers to help police defuse situations with people having emotional problems”
Yep, it gets the clicks but it’s purely made up tabloid bullshit. I’d rather read articles about Bat Boy or Satan’s face appearing in a fire:
“Oh fuck off, you understand what it means.”
And the media is eating this up and shitting out controversy. Do better Root staff.
“When did Black People become a language?”
Thank you. Although I am forever in the greys, I had to comment. This nonsense needs to end. The Twitter outrage machine is just exhausting. I don’t have a blaccent. How do I get one? I would hate to lose my membership.
“The whole thing just felt tone-deaf and super awkward.”
I think people give far too much credit to the average person in the nation in their ability to understand the nuance of defunding the police.
Was it the best half time show of all time? Absolutely not. Depending on the day you ask me, Michael Jackson and 9or) Prince will forever carry that honor. Was it the best half time performances I’ve seen in years? Absolutely YES! I didn’t even bother to watch the snooze fest aka The Weekend and all J-Lo and Shakira…
I have 3 questions:
I don’t understand why we’re still debating the words “defund the police” instead of just proactively talking about the meaning behind it. We need to diversify our emergency funding, so that we can better match people with the help they need. It’s not a hard thing to talk about.
“Defund the police” is a stupid slogan; it will actually require an increase in emergency services funding to do the reforms they want, and it just plays into right wing spin of their talking points. The concept is good but the slogan needs taken out back of the shed.