
Yeah sorry...but if its about him I want the proof before I believe him.
He has done enough shit that he has to earn the trust.
At the moment its just yadda yadda of someone who lies the whole time, is always the victim, insults his ex in front of their children and the police that stand right next to him, threatens

Here’s what I saw; I saw a guy acting like a child in front of national television and 60k live fans, doing something (taking off his uniform) I’ve never seen before in the NFL. Maybe it’s happened, I’ve never seen it. Then he proceeded to JUMPING JACKS in the end zone on his way out. If his ankle is so fucked up, how

So instead of being the only piece of shit in the situation, turns out he’s one of many pieces of shit? Okay, cool. His own dad came out and said he’s not surprised AB is abusing women lol the dude is a piece of shit. The NFL is staffed by pieces of shit from top to bottom (maybe ball boys are okay). Coaches, medical

Mr. Brooks is what a hero looks like.

took him seriously until he accused tom of a plot to steal 100K from he has damage to his head due to that Burfet hit years ago. I dont trust anything he says now.

Texas keeps voting for Ted Cruz because if they don’t, the seal will be broken, he will take his true form again and begin a 1000 year reign of fire and blood.

Pence is either in denial, or the dumbest person from the Trump administration, if he thinks he could be elected to any office again (outside MAYBE his home state... MAYBE).

God bless him. We should NEVER forget the sacrifices he and other made. Most of the people in my family who served in WW2 came back and were never the same. Many wound up becoming alcoholics. There was none of the recognition of PTSD back then. I’m glad this man had a loving family to look after him in the end.

He probably sleeps outside with the other bitches.

Nobody involved gives a shit about the teachers or students. This about them trying to break teachers’ unions around the country. For all the whining and complaining about how this affects “the children” they have shown to be the most adaptable, it is the parents that have acted like assholes. I know parents work but

Oh go fuck yourself.

Who would ever want such a sycophantic, spineless leader who literally wouldn’t say ‘Boo!’ to the very muhfukka who was gonna see him lynched?!

Happy Jan 6th! /s

I gotta think Pence knows he’ll never be President. Who would ever want such a sycophantic, spineless leader who literally wouldn’t say ‘Boo!’ to the very muhfukka who was gonna see him lynched?! I haven’t even heard tell of a single white person who, knowing he had to be spirited to safety by SS and CapPol,

Nobody accused these guys of being the intellectual elites.

But Democrats will handle the pandemic better!!

Excuse my language. We’ve been fucked for decades. The horrible education system is where some of it stems from. Keep these kids dumb, stupid and not to think cognitively, absolute recipe for disaster and mind control.

Meadows fucked himself by refusing to show up. I don’t see Trump getting prosecuted, but some other directly involved will get an example made of them. Most of the 147 won’t see any consequences.

I dont think you understand that neither side is perfect but at least democrats will tell their own that they’re a fucking idiot if they act like Lightfoot.

Why is there ANY question who was culpable? There was a goddamn Power Point deck for the insurrection!