
She says the the event “shook her to her core” while also claiming “she has no recollection of the event”. Which is it bitch? Then she brings up her kids as if they were in danger. The same kids who are all laughing their asses off while watching the surveillance video of their rental house. They weren’t even there


Exactly, its like Alcohol.. and other intoxicants... they don’t turn you into anything you weren’t already... you just (without them) had the courtesy to say it behind closed doors instead of in public.. but a racist prick is still a racist prick.. no matter how much you cover it up.

If anything, the sedative just made her freer with her racism than normal.  It was there all along regardless. 

I salute my fallen comrade in arms. Godspeed to you, sir.

Nobody’s buying that sedative bullshit. Now let’s get her ass off the bench and pick through her cases with a fine tooth comb because you know there’s racist bullshit in those decisions of hers.

Just out of curiosity, why would taking that role be “career suicide” for an unknown actor? 

Glad that his family and friends could finally get some closure, but that is so nasty. Just remains in a bag behind a restaurant. What an awful way to go. 

Just another successful black woman who should be ostracized because she doesn’t think like we want her to.

This DEMON again?


$482 million to build a nice facility like this is an investment in the community.

God forbid if Obama placed this multi-million dollar project in a wealthy predominately white neighborhood! The same people screaming gentrification would be hollering foul that the money wasn’t spent in the area they are griping about now. I’m just glad he decided to just do the right thing and let the complainers

I’m fully vaccinated. Plus I had COVID last year so I also have acquired immunity.

The South Side’s already gentrifying for the same reason every other place that gentrifies in this country gentrifies.

Maybe, and I’m just spit-ballin’ here, but MAYBE if they were actually holding players accountable to the fucking protocols from the start *cough* FUckfacERogers *cough/CHOKE*, they wouldn’t be in this situation.  See the expression used to be a few bad apples can spoil the bushel.  THe bushel in this example is the

As much as her commentary annoyed me, it’s far from the worst among the camp at Disney that still gets deals from them, so I sorta knew they weren’t -especially given how profitable the first BP was - gonna axe her. Yes, the bar is in Hell. 

One might conclude that the “solution” is to never put anything good into minority, otherwise disadvantaged, or any community of “character” for that matter. Can we not have nice things?

Funny how that conveniently gets missed in the shiny, shiny, light of virtue signaling.  

It’s a presidential library not a government program. There are no federal tax dollars being spent on this project; It is a total private enterprise.