
“We look down upon you, we instantly know in all manners from your language which most of you still speak in some broken form of Ebonics or to ghetto-speak to where your [sic] from (third-world sewers in America bought and paid for by the u.s taxpayer) to how you live (like hoodrats) to how you appear (fro hair, big

And want to add to that bet the 18-23 year old guys behind it that are supposedly part of the master race look like 50 year potatoes.

The authors said they wrote the email from a non-student account to avoid being “victimized by the predictable cries of ‘racism’ and not being ‘inclusive.’”

My wife is a nurse. After the shit storm she went through in 2020, she knew she would not be able to provide medical care to a willfully unvaccinated Covid patient. These people are essentially bioterrorists and pose a greater threat to our lives than ISIS, Al Qaueda, and the Taliban all rolled together.

understand the pharmacist or county officer talking about their principles preventing them from distributing Plan B pills or not authorizing same sex marriage licenses

16 year old kid trying to pull himself up by his bootstraps, applies for a job. Ends up getting pulled up by his handcuffs, beat up and arrested.

Michaels needs to fire their PR person. This one is so obviously incompentent that even Stevie Wonder can see it.

Vincent Paterno took to TikTok to claim that he was no longer delivering packages to homes with Black Lives Matter signs.”

White People: Why won’t these lazy ni**ers get jobs!?!?

Lord, I am so, so tired. Baldwin was right and his words ring more true every day.

If there’s one thing that the Trump years and Social Media have in common it’s offering America’s dumbest the airwaves to expose themselves.  These fucking idiots are just falling over each other to be the bigger dip shit, lose their jobs, die or all the above.  Bravo morons, keep it up.  

Yeah yeah yeah... “We take any claim of discrimination very seriously and work every day to make Michaels as inclusive and diverse as possible” and whatever the fuck the spokesperson says..

In short, another racist day in AmeriKKKa.. (Can’t exist while being black... you apply for work, you get harassed/abused.. you

You know what got delivered today? Good news!

i am so glad he and his ilk post their inner thoughts online for the world to see! and good on fedex for swiftly alleviating him of his job after hearing this! 

I’m sitting here lmfao at that ignoramus.

Honestly, dude is a bit clever. Now that he’s been given the boot and because GOP states loath the idea of anyone getting unemployment when there’s even a -inkling- that they were fired for cause, homeboy or someone who knows him can fire up a GoFundMe, or whatever the racist version is and he can sit back and grift

Facts. Abdul-Jabbar put his career on the line as a teenager to stand by his convictions—before forcing a rule change in basketball— and is still, STILL, the all-time leading scorer (LeBron and Durant *might* could catch him but it’s unlikely). He probably personally encountered polio as a kid. He’s not trying to hear

Here me out; Do Not Fuck with Kareem  

This is something I never thought I would type: The NFL handled this issue one hundred times better than The NBA. Also any of these fucking self righteous assholes that comes for Kareem better be prepared to be put in a literal body bag. Kareem ain’t no fake activist like some of you. He has built a career off of