
Looks pretty good. Ma was a good one too.

YES! You go girl! Have always loved her work.

Please. That man never did have covid. He is trying to fool all like he is a modern day superman. The only thing he is super at is being a game show host.

I asked my Trump supporter what has Trump done for him personally and he couldn’t name me one thang but will still vote for him because he is a so called republican. Go figure.

It worked for Biden because he didn’t spew a lot of BS. This is what happens when every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. People will find the littlest thing and ride you for it.

Congrats Ms. Kelly! Looking really great!

Funny how all this didn’t happen on Obama watch but it’s exploding on Trumps watch. Any thoughts to that?

Not my Leo. Wonderful human being.

And your mother could have just swallowed.

Yo mama.

The CDC did have protocols but your commander and chief cut a lot of funding to them. What did you have to say about that one?

Loooolllllll!!!!!!!!! Get’em girl!

Really? I could have sworn she was an actress. As a matter of fact I use to watch the show she was on. They love inviting celebs so she would have been there regardless.

You go girl!!!!!!!!

Uh, no they don’t. I work at a 98% white school. Let me tell you they are just the same at the black kids. Sometimes even worse. I also have a friend who works at an alternative school and the white kids are just as bad as the black kids. It’s about whose is talking and who is keeping their mouths shut.

And the others you can’t take out the cave.

In other words, he’ll just cover up his tracks a little better. Or try too. SMDH.

So. Was he convicted? No. did not think so.

Love and miss them sooooooooo much!!!!!

Honey, they did try and couldn’t find a darn thing. Unlike Trump.