
ME TOO! It was seriously charming and a lot less of a downer than the first. It was cheap to make though and definitely made it’s money back, so I hope it doesn’t discourage Hollywood from making similar movies.

My 73 yr old mother and 72 yr old Aunt just came from from seeing it. The first thing my aunt said was “Holy shit those guys are hot, I think I need a drink”

My friend and I went to go see this last weekend and sat in front of a bunch of rowdy grannies, who were completely unapologetic about their enjoyment. They shrieked, giggled, and made bawdy comments like : “That Mike is a very nice young man. But goddamn, his dancing is enough to make me start ovulating again!” If

I am in love with the older dude in the hat who ripped his shirt open! His reactions were cute as fuck!

I went to see Magic Mike XXL last weekend and on my way out of the theatre slowly walking down the aisle in front of me was an elderly, cane wielding, possibly octogenarian, woman wearing orthopedic shoes and a cardigan delicately draped over her hunched back -that was no doubt the result of years of scoliosis and no

I have been to see this, and am shocked it didn’t do better at the box office. I am a straight dude but I found it a fun, enjoyable movie. It is a bit too long, and dialogue could be cut (from anyone, there are no actors in this) but it is a lot better and sexier than the first but it has slightly disappointed at the

I’d be mortified to see MM:XXL with my mom and her prayer group because they’d be the ones cat calling and throwing dollar bills at the screen.

It was basically her boss saying, “Your education doesn’t matter, your experience doesn’t matter, and your talent doesn’t mean anything. I hired you because you’re hot.” Which is obviously never ok in any workplace. But that he felt the need to tell her that is not only being a sexist asshole, but rubbing her face in

Former actor here. Female actors, just like male ones, need to be able to act credibly in the role they are given. For many of us, that means studying the craft, lots of practice, etc. You need to fit the way the character looks - but that can be many different ways. What you really need to do is be able to ACT while

I’m reading *his* side of the story, and the transcript, and coming out with him being a huge shithead, possible/probable abuser.

My father was *real* invested in seeing me after my parents divorce. Went through lots of hoops. Only problem was that he had been sexually abusing me for most of my life and really just wanted to continue having access.

Fuck “appearances” and hoop jumping. That’s no indication of a parents worthiness of love and

Plus! Plus! If you read through the actual transcript, all three of these kids seem incredibly brave and willing to stand up to the judge (WHO IS SUCH A FUCKING BULLY IT’S UNREAL) and to their dad, who is just standing there, not doing shit. At one point, after the 15-year-old is taken away, the 9- and 10-year-olds

Does “jumping through hoops” include leaving the fucking continent for work the day after your children are incarcerated? Because according to the local news story, that’s what this fucker did. Asshole.

Yeah, this doesn’t seem like the reaction of even a person who is trying to win their children’s favor, let alone an honest-to-god actually good person. “Won’t see me? Maybe an indefinite incarceration will make you remember how good I was to you!” Nnnnnot likely, no.

Hell, even if you were an exemplary parent (or thought you were), your kids are still allowed to say “no thanks” to lunch or whatever and not go to jail for it.

Well fuck me sideways. I’ve worked in juvenile justice facilities, and the idea that a judge would send a 9 and 10 year old — assuming against all reason that the 15 year old has actually done some unnamed thing to deserve this — to one to teach their older brother and mother a lesson defies fucking reason. If the

saying the father had “jumped through hoops” to have a relationship with his children.

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

Dafuq? That the “father” is allowing his children to be imprisoned is the only proof I need that he is not worthy of the name. I’ve heard of some really bad decisions being made by some really bad judges but this may be among the absolute worst.

Anyone who defended cookie dough ice cream doesn’t get to mock the egg beater story. Those monsters are you.