My normal daily use doesn’t require me to charge my phone in the middle of the day. I’ll charge for the night and be good for the next day. If I’m going on vacation, I will bring a portable battery.
My normal daily use doesn’t require me to charge my phone in the middle of the day. I’ll charge for the night and be good for the next day. If I’m going on vacation, I will bring a portable battery.
Yes, lots. Also quite a lot telling them to stay the fuck out of politics (unless their ability to worship, even in private, is threatened, which it’s very much not), and to not fuck up the lives of non-believers.
To be clear, I do think that having girls undergo a genital exam in order to verify their gender is batshit insane and unethical and horrible. There is a legitimate medical reason for the hernial exam, and even that shouldn’t be in the sports physical. In no way, shape, or form should girls have to show their genitals…
My response to the “both sides are the same” argument is that yes, while there is widespread corruption and bribery happening on both sides of the aisle, at least one party isn’t actively trying to send human rights back to the fucking 1860's. At this point, being complacent with these insane right-wing lunatics is…
For starters, not everyone in the black community embraces Dr. Sebi. Meanwhile, wealthy whites have people skipping out on vaccines, leading to measles outbreaks.
Yeah, those sports physicals basically take a medical history, check for scoliosis, and listen to your heart and lungs. They basically check to make sure you don’t have a heart/lung condition that might cause you to drop dead during physical activity. Everybody keeps their clothes on. Absolutely no parent should allow…
Then why isn't the baby in the hospital now? If the child is in legal custody of someone other than her parents because they wouldn't admit her to the hospital, then why hasn't that happened yet?
Yes, what happened to Brooke Shields’ bundt cake, Tom?
I teach in a rural school in a red state. No teacher here wants to be armed. No teacher anywhere wants to be armed. Why do they push this?
Probably the same maniacs that put chopped walnuts in perfectly good brownies.
Why the fuck would anyone put coconut flakes on something other people are expected to eat?
Agreed. This comes from a “I had no idea this might appear racist” place of rich white privilige ... and is a great lesson that even if you think you’re an ally, you can still stick your foot squarely in your mouth when you speak or act without thinking.
I’m so glad Gen Z doesn’t deal with the pretend graciousness in the face of ancient racist double standards. For too long black people have had to publicly show immense grace and dignity during the most gut-wrenching moments of our lives, and I’m glad she took this occasion to say what I hope we are all thinking.
I’m sure it’ll be out of the grays soon enough, but I’m not gonna be the one to do it. I hate to break it to you, but whatever minority is being affected by the current bullshit are Americans. If someone goes after trans people, disabled people, gay people, women, etc, it might be a distraction to you but I assure you…
Please tell me there’s at least one drag queen in Florida performing under the name Rhonda Santis.
I haven’t yet, but I love Maintenance Phase with her and Michael Hobbes, so I’ll definitely give it a look!
If you haven’t, read Aubrey Gordon’s book.
I really feel we’re in the dark days of obesity medicine. I’m obese. I have been since I was four years old. I put myself on my first diet: I was 7. I was in a medically supervised weight management program at 11. Weight Watchers at 14. Atkins at 15. I have never known a conscious moment in which food and my body were…
good idea, lets punish innocent kids and make it even harder for them to accept the hellworld that is Flordia. im sure crippling the future of an entire generation of Floridians will definitely make a nazi freak like Desantis change his mind
This country has taken such a sad turn since Trump got elected in 2016.
And just as predicted, it’s going to take much longer to dig out of the hole he put us in.
Pay attention people, and keep your eye on the ball.