
When you crunch the numbers. Because of the amount of court costs involved with execution it’s cheaper to lock someone up for life.

The true maniacs were the two cops who handed a bruised, bleeding, and incoherent 14 year old back to Dahmer after the kid had escaped and over the objections of more than a few neighbors who had called police for help.

To be fair, though, how many people have been keeping track of what Coolio’s been doing for the last couple of decades? His run-ins with the law are not exactly headlines. This is the first I’ve heard of it, anyway. 

You’re either too young or way too old if you don’t know who Coolio is.

They’re trying to ban marijuana edibles because someone might give them out as Halloween candy.

My understanding is he and Weird Al worked it out and went merrily along with their lives. While drama plays well in fan magazines, the reality is the whole Amish Paradise issue was a business dispute, not a personal one.

Did it? It didn’t hurt his career for sure but “Eat it” and “I’m Fat” both were parodying the King of Pop.   

It seems that cops don’t really Do anything, though. They don’t prevent crime and their presence is HARDLY a deterrent. I’m also confused why cops aren’t obligated to put their lives on the line for the safety of others. We expect firefighters to rush into burning and collapsing buildings on a daily basis - they don’t

property values vs human lives and dignity, wow, you must be a fun person to be around

“Why don’t you focus on the real problem of local governments training their citizens that it’s ok to not work”

“There’s no unfairness here. Anyone is free to use the free spaces in the correct ways which just so happen to be the ways I want to use them. I don’t want to sleep in the park, I would rather sleep in the house I have. The poor’s should just get houses.”

And old habits are hard to break - in conversations with my (6-years younger) sister I have to be sure to qualify parts of our conversation so she doesn’t feel like I’m telling her what to do when we’re relating experiences. Even just a recipe modification can make her feel like that instead of my intention of sharing

Grunts were definitely not removed from whoever did that.

yOuR SiMpLiStIc oUtLoOk iS PrEcIsElY WhY ThE MaNoSpHeRe wIlL CoNtInUe tO GrOw aNd fLoUrIsH. wHeN YoU HaVe pEoPlE LiKe aNdReW TaTe wHo gEtS BaNnEd oN AlL MaInStReAm pLaTfOrMs fOr mErElY HeLpInG MeN To rEaLiSe tHeIr pOtEnTiAl, ThEn tHaT ShOuLd tElL YoU EvErYtHiNg yOu nEeD To kNoW AbOuT ThE TeRrIbLe cOnDiTiOnS We’rE In.

Another shocking part of this is the idea that hospitals can not only withhold treatment, but also advise OTHER hospitals to withhold treatment, from patients.

Goes to haunted house. Last room is a just a tent with benches.

I mean, I think what she believed/convinced herself is a relatively common misunderstanding or way of thinking about things. We are currently seeing both legislators and citizens be shocked when abortion bans are impacting people with wanted pregnancies/high risk pregnancies. Lots of people don’t think of these

So, when you typed this comment out, what did you think you were contributing to the discussion? Are you insulting a woman of means for having those means? Or do you think this is a cynical ploy to... what, exactly?

While you personally might not *share* photos like these, it is not that unusual to have photographers document these occasions. Photos can help the family grieve, process, and remember. Having the “ceremony” of a photographer can feel like it’s giving gravity and respect to the life of the child and the significance

She’s an addict.  Not a person with civil rights.  /s