
I was born in late 80's, so I never really experienced the full power of his cultural impact. I discovered his music in early 2000's and got hooked to some of his best songs, both original and parody.

Seems like “more vaccination” would be preferable to “more testing”, no?

Add to this (as in an innocent person choosing the lesser time going to prison instead of risking an innocent verdict) you then get the actually guilty person going/staying free in the community able to continue to commit crimes at will...

Was that in the United States? Because anytime after 1963 (Brady v. Maryland) the prosecution would definitely be required to turn over any they processed at the time of the trial.


There’s zero details on the five cited instances where these documents were used. Therefore we have no idea how strong the corroborating evidence was beyond the fake papers that lead people to confess.

This horseshit is what led to the Central Park 5 getting convicted.

I wonder what percentage of these kinds of incidences are on flights originating from or going to Florida. We might have a partial solution staring us in the face.

Bad take. There’s a fast-growing segment of the population searching for products like this, and massive companies like Yum would be leaving money on the table if they didn’t get in on it. You’re obviously not paying attention to actual sales data from companies like Beyond and Impossible. This is the same type of

I’m getting older. At 51-years-old I have a rich history of protesting. I’ve been at anti-nuke rallies, anti-logging protests in Clayquot, the APEC protests in the ‘90s, pro-choice rallies, the climate rallies, anti-war protests, pro-choice rallies... you know what I’ve never done? Hid my face or taped my license

In a lot of ways, the 80s were terrible. But, in my opinion, it was the best decade for music, hands down. There is nothing, and I mean *nothing* being done today, or even in the last couple of decades, that wasn’t already done in the 80s (and late 70s). You just need to scratch below the surface of the Top 40. There

I was there for these things the first time, and if I saw any of these people on the street (and felt like I could appropriately talk to them, pandemic and social awkwardness notwithstanding) I wouldn’t critique their looks historically (come ON) but I *would* compliment them to an absurd degree. It would warm my

Having watched the video - the house was targeted because this guy was still shooting when the cops arrived. The scary part is he had just asked his wife if she wanted to do more shooting with him and she said she’d just stay inside. Had she and their child also gone out again they could all have been shot.

Please, people, do not shoot your guns into the air. I know it’s weird that I have to say this in 2022, but the bullets have to come down somewhere

Yeah, I think you might be right, but I hope you’re not. Refusing to carry out justice because you’re afraid that a bunch of gun toting nut jobs who want to start a war, might start a war, is 100% losing before you even start the game. 

He’s obviously an undercover police dog.

This fleabag, a police dog? Haha.

I dig it! New team chant will be: "boil'em, mash'em, put 'em in a stew!"

You’re right. The PR is too good for them. They shouldn’t do anything that benefits them in any way. Fuck this kid, I don’t want him to get the car because I don’t want the dealership to get anything positive out of it. 

It’s really, really good. And while I also think the release time is weird, I am enjoying the schedule they’ve chosen to release it on. It’s a good hybrid of weekly releases and binge-watching. The first three episodes in week 1 let you feel like you got far enough into the story to get invested. And two episodes last