
They are supposedly able to be impeached and then removed, but I’m not sure the standards for doing so and I don’t think it’s ever even been thought of, much less tried. I mean, we’ve impeached three presidents and been unable to remove any of them from office, so I don’t see a lot of luck when it comes to a SCOTUS

Please tell me that gun is not legal. Because, if it is, it needs to not be yesterday. Holy shit! I didn’t even use anything like that in the military and I was in a job where I handled a lot of guns. 

She didn’t get on him. She didn’t even get on the one who shot (although she would be justified in doing so.) She got on their training (or lack thereof.) And she is right.

Not only hasn’t she harmed anyone, but she is saying she wants to harm herself. This is a person who needs empathy and someone to listen to her. Sure, she has a gun, so have one or two people ready if she does turn it on someone else, but they need to be out of her sight so that she can focus on the person trying to

This this this this this. It’s one of the biggest issues (outside of the lack of knowledge of/disdain for proper use of force) I see when these things happen.

People who paid attention to politics and foreign policy and such were not the same people who were paying a lot of attention to pop culture.

I’m a woman. I’m also menopausal. No law about abortion affects me in any way. I can’t get pregnant, therefore I will never need an abortion. So, if people want to talk about those affected by these laws and call them “people who can get pregnant” or something like that, then I’m cool with it. Because I can’t be

The group that these phrases are meant to include are trans men and non-binary who were born female. See, those are “people with a uterus.” If you say “women” they get excluded because they have a uterus, but are not women. If you say, “people with a uterus” every person on the planet who has a uterus is included.

Oh, for fuck sake! No one is doing that. These phrases are not what anyone has decided that trans people should be called. These are phrases meant to include all people who are affected by things like the recent overturning of Roe and are used specifically in those instances. No one is going around calling people

Or menopausal women. Women over a certain age already get erased in many ways. Yay. Here’s another. 

The problem is that people making this argument are presenting it as if people want to get rid of the word “woman” and replace it with these phrases in all situations. This is just not true. No one wants people calling them a “person who gives birth” in general life. These phrases are specifically used to talk about

I knew a FtM man who was pregnant once. Would those midwives have insisted on calling him a woman while attending to him while giving birth? Because that doesn’t seem like it would be any better than having a doctor in a hospital treat you like a disembodied uterus.

Using an inclusive term doesn’t get rid of or negate terms defining groups under the umbrella of the inclusive term.

Hi. Sorry this is so late but I just needed to say this: If Walmart wants to sell abortion pills, Walmart will sell abortion pills. That business has way, way more power than pretty much any government entity. I can tell you that, here in Oklahoma, Walmart would 100% win. Stitt can’t win against the tribes and Walmart

Sure, I get it, but at the same time, most people don’t make enough money to move somewhere else. That’s the point, really. I mean, making what I make now, I probably couldn’t afford to live in most blue states. I certainly couldn’t afford the actual move because I can’t really jkeep a lot of savings right now. And

I am so onboard for believing women when they say they were sexually assaulted, but I know way too much about Scientology to dismiss outright the idea that they put these women up to this.

I read the book thinking it would be like the movie but maybe more fleshed out. Man, I did *not* know what I was getting into. That book was weird. And I hear the sequel is even weirder.

I’m pretty sure I went to a Ripley’s once on a family vacation eons ago.  It was interesting but I like weird things.

This is a very weird comment for this article.

Until they do more than just strike down Roe, any prosecution is out of federal hands because federal law will say nothing about the legality or illegality of abortion. By striking down Roe, they are just saying that the federal government is staying out of it from now on and letting each state decide for themselves.