is it because he’s actually a total faggot?
is it because he’s actually a total faggot?
so wonderful of you to find admiring interest in a racist, anachronistic institution. do you love prince andrew too?
ummm, cool. thanks, mayor pete
scorched earth tactic is arson by definition.
this shit is so ugly
why do people care about these british fat fucks?
i agree. hair and makeup are super on point though.
particularly horrendous year, i think. all quite bad.
a Shirley Temple with hennessy is called a Shorty Temple...DUH!
and you don’t think it’s a conspiracy...?
great opener.
OC is tack-AY!
it’s “bald-faced lie”.
it looked so bad. really uninspiring.
pete sucks. and his cuck lib white supporters suck too. the democrats are so f’d in 2020. bummer
as a slut faggot i found it relevant and exciting that the palin clan experienced so much scrutiny given the hokey christian values and family bullshit that aggressively cheerful mama bear sarah pushed
the editorial illustration is amazing!
possibly...but the part that, umm, throws me off, is where they mention the outer skull which forms the helmet was “still fleshed” at the time of being outfitted onto the infant head. soooooo
don’t forget ex-McKinsey consultant bland boy who is not allowed to disclose the details of the work he did for them on “war zone economic development” due to an NDA.