
i’m so over the culture. i wish people would care about different things. more interesting things. i have my frivolities as well, as everyone should, it makes life fun and irreverent. but i’m so tired of what we have now. this is so dispiriting.

who are Lackluster and No Fucks Given? i don’t know their work.

i’d fuck him

blah blah whatever

that person seriously needs to fuck off. that statement is so infuriating.

fuck you

i disagree. i found the speeches he gave to the people of the North to be compelling and authoritative, especially when he decides to go to Dragonstone despite everyone’s protestations. i don’t interpret his reticence as being “emoey”, i see it as him being above the fray and virtuous since he knows what the true

egomaniacal murderer

poppers and my dick

“Blow” is a pop masterpiece. great for her empowerment through this new style of music, but i unabashedly miss glitter-trash queen ke$ha

this empire deserves its decline and fall

as a kid i owned most of the disney animated classics, but aladdin was a personal favorite. so much so that i asked my mom for an aladdin bed set, which i eventually got. the pillowcase had his face on it, and it took no time for me to start making out with it, rub my crotch on it, and fall in lust with it. i was a

clearly you’re a plebian who never has been to paris and therefore has never stepped into colette

is this from uzumaki? have you read it? i’ve been wanting to!

i appreciate your hitting on a larger problem of hyperbole and histrionics in comments sections for the sake of attempting to lay claim to something resembling insight or clever analysis. unsure if the person actually believes what they said or wanted to carve out room and then occupy an unorthodox space for

it’s perfectly american in every perfectly possible way: an oversized, gluttonous hodgepodge with no discerning cultural taste

while i did like feud, i wanted it to be so much campier. i liked the performances by lange and sarandon, but they and the supporting cast were definitely going for high drama, when what i wanted was melodrama.

i would’ve spelled it dzaddy

this sounds very erotic to me