I’m feeling the flow! Please let this be a hit so Konami can see YuGiOh mixed with NFC chips mixed with AR/VR with a real Duel Disk would be the a-mazing.
I’m feeling the flow! Please let this be a hit so Konami can see YuGiOh mixed with NFC chips mixed with AR/VR with a real Duel Disk would be the a-mazing.
Yeeeees. Halo: Reach
If it takes porn to make this tech work, then so be it. Down the line there will be an actual VR game in the vein of SAO, and I don’t care if it takes a decade and a half of hardcore japanese porn to get there.
The only part that is wrong is the hand position.
Barefoot and frightened, Nicole Holder walked as fast as she could through the darkness, and the moment she saw the…
At least the “cockroach-man” looks very similar to those in the manga and anime. With the current rating system for films/movies in Japan nobody should expect a lot of gore and blood in this movie. I guess by the first looks this is already miles better than what Dragon Ball Evolution was.
There are more powerful Humans than there are powerful Saiyans...
Vegeta at his power level of like 20,000 at the start of Dragon Ball Z was considered close to the peak of Saiyans...(I’m assuming there might’ve been a few Saiyans stronger than Prince Vegeta like his father, but not by much.
Krillan, Chiao Tzu, Tien,…
They are rarely getting these physiques by intense dehydration methods. They are using some basic water and salt manipulation and some mild dehydration occurs, but it’s not much worse than many Americans who drink everything but water on a regular basis.
These models are using lots of PEDs, both anabolic and…
And unlike hookers, you don’t even get a dark secret between you and your best bro to take to your graves.
I always win a doughnut, I don’t eat doughnuts.
I am always a small coffee, one cream. When I get in line and the person in front of me is doing a long-winded custom order I wonder what I did to piss off the gods.
I have to admit, I love Retro Lancer. Because it has that high kick, high damage and cool lancer charge. :)
Let’s be honest... they’re not all natural blondes.
aside from a animation issues the series made goku look like a complete doofus compared to the movie version of the fight. the movie nailed just how big the difference in strength was between goku and berrus and the series made ssj3 look weaker,
Everyone is so upset by such minute details in DBSuper. The frames posted don’t really feel as bad as the bandwagon is making out—just from the shots that were posted.
Meh, Super is nothing more than the newest cash in on a series that should have been laid to rest a decade ago.
No joke but my lunchbox RARE character has been in the wasteland for over 2 days now, amassed shitloads of gear, used a lot of stims and radaways and still going strong. It helps equipping her with a freaking rail gun 17dmg and somewhat good armor. And it helps that her stats since I got her in the beginning of the…
You’re right there is no way they could not hear that ping. It is such a distinctive sound.
I do not think you can go wrong with any veggies. Or any fruits. Just watch the calorie intake because fruits still have sugars (ok, natural sugars, sure but still sugar) and too many carrots will make you go orange (sse Carotenemia).