
Cool, my sociopath sense was tingling.

Oh, I dunno—pretty much the exact same thing happened to me. My partner of a few years decided he wasn't getting enough strange, so either we could open up the relationship, or he'd walk. I said yes, we set some ground rules, and then I didn't date, didn't date, didn't date—and then finally said fuck it, I'll open up

Whether or not this particular story is true is unclear, but I guarantee that countless women have lived this particular soap opera IRL, myself and other on this thread included.

To be fair, if my partner of 5 years went bat-shit and suggested this I would 1) Start by being heart broken and devastated and then transition into 2) Enjoy watching the jackass squirm as I banged every attractive dude I could find.

Basically, I would know the relationship was done but enjoy watching the jackass

I guess I'm looking for "enthusiastic consent" and I'm not seeing it.

Exactly. It's one thing to come into a relationship where both people want any open relationship, but it's manipulative and abusive to suddenly try to change the parameters of a relationship in that way. I'd have been furious enough after three months, but after two years?!

That is not what this guy was doing. He was clearly trying to find someone that he thinks was "better" than his "fat" girlfriend before actually dumping her, but then was surprised that hot women didn't want him. Hmm, could that maybe be because women don't see a future with some dude that already HAS a girlfriend

When I started dating my first boyfriend, I said I didn't want to be monogamous and I wanted to have an open relationship. He said no, monogamy or nothing. I said fine, I prefer him*. Five years later, I find out he had been cheating on me for the entirety of the relationship. I asked him why he cheated when I was

Are you actually defending this guy? Bold move.

I disagree, because at the point where it was made VERY clear that his girlfriend would be unhappy in this relationship, it was clear they wanted different things. Its not a relationship when one person is so clearly emotionally distraught and your "dick feelings" take precedence over the emotional pain you are

I know there's a "happy ending" to all this, but this made me very sad: