
Clearly you don't follow Makenzie's facebook, she posted this yesterday ;)

Oh, if next week's is new, why the hell did they call this one the Halloween episode? Weirdos.

I'd laugh, but the last 3 guys I've met on OkCupid have at one point actually asked me to be their sugar mama. One was unemployed. I'm an engineer who also happens to be pretty domestic and awesome, but clearly has bad taste in men :)


Oh man, the country kid? That episode really fucked with my head.


This episode was super 'meh' to me. Only a handful of Halloween things - where was the Vincent Price sketch? I feel like they didnt really use Anna Faris to her potential either.

Yes, where the hell was it? I'm a huge film buff, especially older films, and I'm wondering if they think their audience doesn't get it? I'm not the average viewer. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I am seriously disappointed.

Editing, editing, editing. I'm sure TyTy doesn't want to rock the boat with the celebs she brings on the show.

I agree with almost everything you said. I miss Veronica Mars. Whitney is horrible, and I feel bad because I know this chick that does her marketing.

I'm waiting for Boardwalk Empire on DVD. I chose SHO over HBO, because I can't get enough Dexter. If you get SHO, Homeland is also *fantastic*

Yes! I read about Once Upon a Time and Grimm on in like, June, and started getting confused when they didn't premiere with everything else. But soon! I hope theyre both as awesome as I expect.

I left Pittsburgh after 26 years of living there, and I always cringe when I read these articles. Thank you for explaining more about the process, and especially the Warren Buffett fact!

You're totally right and clearly no one thought about that :)

I'm sorry, but I have to say it - Your annoyance might save peoples' lives. I'm severely allergic to corn. CORN. It's in everythere, and everywhere. Even a lot of packaging is dusted with corn starch, which is a higher concentrate of corn protein than just corn, and even touching it gets my entire body covered in

As someone who suffers from multiple food allergies that aren't recognized as the top and are rarely catered to (see: corn allergy), HOORAY! This is totally a step in the right direction.

Wow Jezebel, how did you know I'm fighting sleep at my desk? Just didn't sleep well, and about to give a presentation at work!

zomg this is a daily problem for me. Curly hair with stupid bangs and a cowlick in the front. In the winter, I resort to a curling iron or round brush with hair dryer to straighten them. In the summer they get so wind blown in the convertible that they can't curl anymore if they wanted to. They still look a little

The article is unclear to me. Cantaloupes that aren't labeled the following? Or that aren't labeled OR are labeled with the listed labels. Someone in my office just got one of those fruit bouquets and people polished it off quickly with the exception of all the sad sad leftover cantaloupe.

Me too! I keep hearing them on the radio and I just can't get it.