
So which one is the problematic one? SFO, OAK, or SJC? :)

i'm fairly certain it's "Turquise & Caicos" from the summer collection of 2010 or 2009.

i couldn't tell what colors were being used above but since i have a huge Essie collection, i'm going with toirqoise & caicos for the base and bermuda shorts for the spots. so far, so good.

Are US dryers a much lower temp or something? Your comment has the best explanation I've seen so far.

Confused. What privileges is he referring to?

I totally was about to post something similar. It's still weird to me to see him NOT in a wheelchair. Ahh Degrassi.

It might be naive, but I always felt that way. Negatively, I missed out on understanding the politics behind race and why people get so charged up about it. Much like my tshirts were multi-colored, I figured people just were too. I also just assumed people were against bi-racial relationships because the kids might

oh man, i didn't know wtf to think of that. so much so, that i even brought up at work, and promptly got mocked by my male engineer coworkers.

re: doubling up. At one frat house I used to frequent, the downstairs bathroom had two toilets in it. With that line, doubling up was a necessity.

yeah ok, i didn't realize i had to play the slideshow to get the rest of the text. it wasn't obvious.

*confused* You say here are 10 ways, but then list nothing?

I have to laugh because a handful of people have been telling me this for years, but none of those people even have Bachelors. In 3 jobs now, I've been the only one on my team with a degree at ALL, and I make 6 figures in the tech industry. I suppose it will also depend on the industry how much this matters.

At least I'm not the only one. Even as a fit, track-running, 120lb teenager, I sweat buckets. I waited til sun-down to workout, and those Pittsburgh summers are BRUTAL. Thank god I live in the Bay Area now with much more mild summers.

I was going to comment similarly. The frustrating thing with that is that if you meet someone through the 'scene', sometimes your sexual fetishes are up front, and potential mates get too focused on sex and not enough on getting to know you. Dating in the Bay Area D/s scene is frustrating as hell.

Jesus, this article and comments made me feel very ignorant. I grew up kind of 'color blind' and had no idea about the tragedies in Africa. How though, is the word colonial, negative?

This seems like an awesome thing for grieving parents. If you believe the movies, stillborn birth certificates are the sort of thing that leads to stolen identities and fraud.

I hear ya - i was just wondering tho, why it's always the non-human babies that make my ovaries ache. Maybe it's just my secret desire to have a time lord baby ;)

Well I assume some of that is intentional editing...

At least she's named after a Battleship

Last season seemed more... innocuous? This season seems to be all about exposing the horrible parenting, and it's appalling. I keep wanting to delete my Season Pass, and then I watch more of the trainwreck. Alaska nearly telling her mom off, and then winning totally made it for me though.