
That's not true. I worked with a breeder after, and had good results. I think that's a pretty cruel response on your part.

Not a troll. Simply relaying my personal experience. I feel pretty strongly about this, as I worked with a rescue group, and the dog's foster 'mom', and it was still a very bad experience.

Thank you.

Really? Because I worked with the rescue agency and the dog's foster mom.

You know, my guy friends answered this question recently, saying that the guys in question must send out hundreds of notes, and they only get a handful of responses, so they learn that it's not worth the effort. Which is still disheartening, to say the least.

As a female in a male dominated industry, I completely sympathize with the bathroom situation. A lot of data centers have unisex bathrooms that get filthy. At one data center in NYC, the men's bathroom was so ridiculously dirty, that the men started using the ladies and always left it also filthy with no TP. Ugh.

I don't think diet foods make me lose weight. I always assumed they just made me gain LESS weight than the full-fat versions :)

As a resident of the Bay Area, this is *stupid*. I see wanting to promote adoption and rescuing. Guess what? As a first time dog owner, a rescue was NOT for me. The dog was high maintenance and had many issues. A breeder turned out to be the way to go. Also, you can't exactly 'adopt' or 'rescue' community fish.

I have to ask... how?! I've always thought he looked a little creepy. But then, that's mainly based on Gob Bluth and his SNL characters

Yes, they showed the biological dad, he looked and sounded a little like someone from the backwoods of west virginia. Ca'trina talked about how she prayed for a child, and she got more specific and asked for a 5 yr old child, and then she met the dad and they decided it was god's will for them to be together because

Isn't it also used in new clothes, to keep them crispy and folded on the shelf? If I don't wash everything before I wear it after purchase, I break out in nasty hives...

Yes, for the same reason that I won't answer messages on online dating sites when men use text speak or ridiculously poor grammar and spelling. I mean, you can spell check pretty easily, that's just lazy and shows no respect for the woman they're contacting.

Unfortunately, his appearance was part of what got my hopes up :(

Fwiw, we also saw him nekkid in an episode of last season's Weeds that just re-ran this Sunday. He plays the married bartender that does Nancy in many bad ways on his bar.

wtf? i'm fat mostly because i have an auto-immune disease that makes me feel like poo a lot. i eat pretty healthily, and grow my own produce. climbing all those stairs on a bad day will just make me sicker.

My TiVo *still* grabs Fresh Prince reruns as suggestions. It knows me so well... :)

Good question - I just assumed they all moved to BET. The most recent one I can think of was the Bernie Mac show and he just wasn't funny. Does the Cleveland Show count?

Oh, the downfall of society...

No way, she's bigger than my DDs. You fail to mention your band size, that will make a big difference.

My therapist recommended yoga as a stress relief, but at the gym, it was all these skinny chicks in cute outfits, and I'm all fat and just want to calm. Not a good start being intimidated :(