
Thank you for bringing this up.

As an oncall engineer who spent almost 3 straight days awake recently, DRUNK is the most apt description. I was outright mean, had crying fits, looked like I got dressed in the dark, and ate total crap.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is funny for the general public. I personally enjoy improv, but even this starts to annoy me after a while.

I voted yes. But it recently came to my attention that people will almost always vote down any measure that might cost them money. I don't know where the hell people think the funding comes from for public things. It has to come from somewhere.

I'm heartbroken. A few months ago, spent $150 on a hangtag to allow admission to all state parks. One park I frequent is the second biggest state park in CA and it's being shut down. Also, a lot of beaches. It's usually $4-$5 to park and use state parks. I wish more people would support them.

I politely disagree. I appreciate the details making this difficult for the FDA, but your comment reads a little like you're saying this is OK? As someone with a corn allergy, I long for the day when I can find foods labeled corn-free and have it be free of even traces. However, I would be furious if I reacted to

Still, it's promising. I went to a liberal arts school with a double major in music and CIS. i was the only female CS or CIS major in my entire class of 2000, and there was also only one in the class of 2001. Having more females in this field has also drastically improved tech culture at companies, imho.

talked to my dr about this... he said that if the brand i'm on (yaz) has limited side effects than others for me, it's such low risk that i'm better off staying on yaz. i never asked for it, but my previous dr prescribed several other brands before yaz that wreaked havoc on my skin and hormones.


Oh man, I'd be the best fill-in for Tracie. I'm open in general, a casual but legal pothead, and a lot of fun when I smoke. Plus I've had a gay-crush on Rich for a while. Best idea evar!

I tried to cancel SHO for budget reasons and I realized it accounts for probably 60% of my tv watching. They can afford good writing and not cater to the lowest common denominators. I <3 Veronica Mars, and I cannot wait for House of Lies.

wait, new show? must consult imdb. i JUST rewatched all of VM on netflix streaming when i was home sick a week ago

Beat me to it. Thanks for the attached pic :) Why must they be so damn cute.

This is utterly ridiculous. He still has to face another jury, yes? They will crucify him.

I sincerely think they were hired actors. Or at least, I keep telling myself that.

But... the judges have commented on Alexandria's bad behavior on set before. Why was this such a shock, and why were they 100% apologetic to her? I know editing is everything, but as bad as Brittani behaved, Alexandria had a little bit coming...

They are all super short! I'm bottom heavy and really wish not to show off anything above my knees. Grrr.

This is a ridiculous study. Growing up, there was always music on in my house. As a teen, I would sit in my room and read with music on. I went on to be a music major and a well adjusted, fully formed adult.

I once had a guy blow into me because he thought it was funny. It was incredibly freaky and I kicked him as a literal knee jerk reaction. I kicked him to the curb after that.

One thing I've found useful is that my OKC profile is only viewable by other registered OKC users, and it doesn't show up in Google searches. It's nice to be able to turn those off and remain pretty honest on the site.