
Oh! Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I'm not very anonymous on dating sites. I post the maximum pictures, my name, the truths. Most of the guys who message me have 0 profile written, 0 pics, it's really frustrating. But I won't meet someone from online unless I can be sure they're not going to GHB me or something.

Oh, actors! I feel better knowing that was the potentially best option. Otherwise, yeah, that was super shitty and it bugged me the whole episode.

What I want to know is at what point in evolution did we regress and take so long to learn to walk? 3 months is awesome for self mobility.

Dear Jezebel: I am unable to post any of your links (or anything from Gawker) to facebook anymore. It refuses to follow the link, I'm guessing due to the new URL format? Any insights? #editor

What is the big deal? I shave every morning in the shower. Get a shower gel that doubles as a shaving gel... I like Fresh's Lemon Sugar. I prefer the smooth feeling of my legs, especially when i go to bed.

I tried to share this link on FB but FB currently seems to hate all Jezebel links. I wonder if it's because the stories now have /#!blah ?

Funny, I have the opposite problem. I make quite a nice living for myself, and i like nice things. The guys I keep meeting on dating sites are always unemployed or in a dead-end minimum wage job. I end up paying for our dates and it is frustrating. Not because I want to be taken care of, but because I work my ass off,

Forgive my ignorance, but isn't a transvestite different from transgender? I mean, eddie izzard is a cross-dresser and identifies as a transvestite, but he also identifies as a man. Wikipedia says they are two entirely different things. So why does the Jezebel link refer to them as transgender, which is never

What is the weird blue spot in Pennsylvania? Is there some sort of kinky male underground in Pittsburgh that I didn't know about all those years? Maybe I didn't have to move to the Bay Area to find them all afterall!

@Scandinavian Flick: laugh? that's an awesome job! as the token kinky SF male map maker, it is now a moral imperative that you revise this map for Jezebel :)

@DevilDucky: oh, i think you're right. i didn't realize the different, sorry for my ignorance.

Which is funny because the peeps I know that work at WikiMedia are all women. I once added an article but it got removed :(

The Mr Wizard sketch was an atrocious, juvenile mess. Seriously, what are the writers doing all week?

Also? I cannot find *anyone* selling GS cookies in the Bay Area. It's like scouting got even more unpopular.

The ones theyre cutting weren't even around when I was a Girl Scout (1st grade through campus scouts baby, and a Gold Aware to boot!). They deserve to be cut ;)

What? That's not true. The Old Navy at the mall by me in San Jose most definitely sells plus sizes.

What? That's not true. The Old Navy at the mall by me in San Jose most definitely sells plus sizes.

I have mixed feelings, but he's still a damn good quarterback. However, Troy Polamalu will always be my boy.