
It’s wild - well I guess it’s not, really - but that so many people in the South who would be the first to spout “slavery was over a hundred years ago get over it!” are the same ones who treat the Civil War with the reverence and grievance as if it happened two weeks ago.

Yes, “those people” are “welcome” as long as they don’t get too uppity and demand the same rights as white people.

Do other countries honor their failed rascist insurrectionists? Name one.

“...after the death of Mississippi NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers.”

So this is a thing now? Can Christmas now be All Gods’ Day?

This is not a surprise - it’s MISSISSIPPI which is the true dumpster fire of America. Florida takes the limelight for craziness, but Mississippi refuses to grow in ANY way.

What’s next, Klan Appreciation Day? George Wallace Weekend? The racist fools have never gone away, and remember all these legislators are the children of the supporters of Jim Crow. They were raised as separatists and still believe in it.

I want to walk around Biloxi on the 4th of July wishing everyone a “Great Nations Day” to celebrate the Great Nations of American and England.

We’re never going to get our act together as a country when a good chunk of it is still fighting a war that they lost 150 years ago.

You do realize they never realized the Civil War ended and they’ve been waging this war for 150 years still. And doing quite well at it, given how red they’ve doctored the country and its policies to be.

Man that’s so weird for a state that still has the Confederate flag inside its own flag to disregard MLK Day