
It’s a good thing the missile wasn’t damaged to the point where the fuel could have ignited or exploded..

Hmm, makes sense. Is she denied the right to compete? No, the high school association allows girls without a team to play against the girls who do have one offered in the individual tournament. They go out of their way to ensure title IX doesn’t discriminate, because if this girl was allowed to play in the boys’

I’ve had girls, look at me when I walk down the street. I had one girl tell to “man up” once. This one chick even had the audacity to try to buy me a drink at the a bar once. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a few years, but the pain is still there.

Oy vey, it’s always the guys fault, even when it isn’t.

I’m confused; if the guy was a virgin, then he didn’t sleep with you, correct? So the guy you were hooking up with didn’t sleep with you, because you asked him not to, yet you continued to hook up with him, and well no shit he continued to ask, because you continued to hook up with him, but you never got further,

God, this is painful to watch. (Your writing, not the video.)

It could have been a trans person who was upset about the nature of the party, since gender is a social construct.

I guess somebody really wanted a boy.

Chattanooga is in Jamaica?

In the age of social justice warriors arguing that gender is fluid and ALL are equal I hope they throw the book at Molitor for resorting to physical violence and forcing Mixon to defend himself.

Honestly, if Mixon was a white girl and swung back, we’d all be on Mixon’s side seeing how obvious it is Molitor started the

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

You’re missing the bigger crime.

Oh the humanity, I always knew these people writing for Deadspin were non athlete geeks but Jesus H on a motherfucking surfboard Christ.