
I mean, it can very well escalate anyway, as “revenge” for the victim testifying — however unwillingly. There’s really no one who can control an abuser except the abuser, short of incarcerating them (and even that just kicks the can down the road).

From my understanding that is one good thing about my current residence, Kentucky—sex crime charges are brought by the state and not left to the discretion of the survivor. It should be that way everywhere.

From the looks of the headlines, extroverted systemic sadism carries zero consequence in Florida. This is obviously completely beyond uncool.

AND the abused woman was choked during that encounter, which is a sign that the abuse is escalating and become life-threatening. So it’s especially great that the judge punished the already-abused woman.

While I’m really glad our judges have attended law schools and passed bars, can we also get them some serious training in mental health issues? It’s amazing what dumbasses can sit on those benches.

this is heartbreaking

it needs to be easier to get these fucking scum suckers off the bench. they do not deserve to be treated like demigods.

Thanks, Jeb Bush.

Domestic violence charges should be brought by the state so that a woman like this one doesn’t have to be put in the position of pressing charges or not pressing charges.

I saw this on the news the other day. The judge took the contempt part to heart. She was dripping icy scorn. The quality of mercy was completely absent. And the woman’s pleas as she was escorted out were heart wrenching. I know it’s important to press charges. But there is no way that this woman wasn’t re-victimized.