
That is just evil. Its like its a game to them.

And it’s fed by right-wing media. That “ISIS coming over the border” nonsense was pulled straight out of Frank Luntz’s ass and broadcast over Fox, Limbaugh, ClearChannel, and the rest in their network of paranoia and delusion.

What a brave woman. Not that I’d want to spend any time with a person like Rusty, but I’m glad someone did just so we can understand why he does what he does. We may not agree with his actions (I certainly don’t), but I appreciate that someone took the time to find out WTF Rusty’s damage is in case it can be fixed.

“Get your facts fascists straight”.

This is such a misuse of resources. I was listening that day and I can honestly say I had the same exact response to Sessions comment as she did. There is no way she is guilty and no excuse to spend our money prosecuting her for her reaction to Sessions lie while under oath.

Trump will pardon a crooked cop who used racial profiling to terrorize Mexicans, but he won’t let 61 year old children’s librarian off the hook— for laughing. Jesus.

How petty does Jeff Sessions have to be to waste taxe payers money for his hurt ego. I know he’s a short guy with big ears that alone got him bullied a little in school. Does not mean he gets to take it out on the Constitution. Laughing last time I checked was a form of expression protected by the First Amendment.

Just to be clear. Laughing is “unlawful conduct” but people chanting Nazi and white supremacy slogans are “good people.” Did I get those official designations correct?

No and no. Many ex-military members are rejected from serving as officers because they’re ex-military. There are of course exceptions but those usually are due to nepotism.

It further proves one can’t buy class.

This is so deliciously good.