
Give it a 4/3 sensor, a 17mm lens (35mm full frame equivalent) and make it fast (would like f/1.4 but f/2 would be cool) and you have my money Olympus.

One more RIM sandbag to hold back the Android/IOS flood. Good luck, but I'm not holding my breath.

Well, in all fairness if you replaced the Jesus looking figure with Mohammed, it would probably be rejected, too.

@gifpaste: He's also a known douchebag. In fact, if you google "John Mayer" and then write "do", google will autofill the rest to "douchebag"

Wait, the US Government through DARPA is investing in Islam? ISLAM? Wait till Fox News gets a hold of this.

@SKiTz: Best...avatar...ever...

@Strider-No.9: Oh yeah, that's right. Jason pretty much turned Jobs into an Engadget fan...or maybe Crunchgear...ok, maybe not.

Why isn't Giz doing a review?

@matttrick: Yeah, I can agree with that.

@matttrick: You may be missing a huge historical point. For a long time, Southern states often used the threat that blacks would defile "Southern womenhood" as an excuse to promote Jim Crow laws.

@IGotTheGuns: I'm so glad that you cleared up the fact that you are more "well read on the subject" than hardvice...but unfortunately, what you wrote shows otherwise.

@hardvice: Thank you! Finally, someone who has intelligence on the subject.

@FriedPeeps: Just go ahead and pretend racism isn't there when it really is.

Yes. Apple invented minimalism.

@golferal: You had to try and one up him. Next time, just say, "Ha ha, that's funny."

@Meh: The iPhone 4g was just released here a couple of days ago.

In other news, mountains are tall and Lindsey Lohan has a slight drinking problem.