
I feel scared to talk negatively about Anonymous. Does this mean they have become what the claim to fight against?

It would be even better if it worked internationally...

I like your idea of a better headphone amp. But I would still like an ipod touch style, just thicker to accommodate a larger battery to drive the amp and perhaps a black rubberized back.

You make sense. I only wish Canon would release a 12-18mp full frame shooter with better/faster AF.

When did Gizmodo turn into

What was Blaine's blue female monorail partner's name? +20 for that.

I see, I guess I missed the point. I haven't had a lot with Honeycomb, but from what little time I spent and the videos I have seen, it seemed kind of high maintenance.

I agree, no one really needs a tablet...but using my iPad to surf and email and use apps on the's just more fun.

Is the Galaxy Tab 10.1 popular? What are the sales figures?

A man trying to have sex with another man's hairy belly button.

Thanks Giz. Now Michael Bay has a plot line for his next craptacular 3D summer movie.

Meth. It's a hell of a drug.

I don't care who buys it as long as the new owners can make it available internationally.

Smart post, bombastinator.

I think "acquired taste" is a better term. IPAs are delicious, although it might take you a few bottles of different brands to find one you like.

I need something a little more than "probably sound great" for that price. I would settle for "probably get you laid", however.

I'm thinking the same thing. No use releasing a new product when the "old" iPad 2 is still selling like crazy. Besides, while those screens from Samsung might look awesome, it was still a prototype, no? It will be a while before it goes into full production, methinks.

Agreed. Or one that mentions TGIF Mudslides as a man's drink.

"No idea why they wouldn't launch here as we've been waiting for a good Android iPod Touch for a while now."

Is RIM going for the business angle? Is this more "business" than an iPad or Xoom (or Honeycomb tablets for that matter?