@presto117: That's true. I just said it was my theory. It doesn't mean that I am correct.
@presto117: That's true. I just said it was my theory. It doesn't mean that I am correct.
@Koiwai: Excellent. Great job to point out a typo. By the way...USE PERIODS AND CORRECT CAPITALIZATION.
@Future Retro: Is this author the same Giz writer that swears he will never buy protection for his phones/gear?
@Godfail: I never called them uninformed zombies. I called them douchy. Just because you're (in general, not you specifically) are douchy, it doesn't mean your stupid, uninformed, or ignorant. Some of the greatest people who ever lived were douchy.
@pixelsnader: Douchy customer? Isn't that redundant for the apple store?
The only thing missing is that they don't look nearly as douchey as most apple store employees. Except the guy on the right.
@theanyday: I suppose, but by that logic they could call all computer PCs since it has over 95% of the world market. Mac users would probably be pretty pissed about that.
@Xaoc: That's what Giz should've said then instead of using ipod as a generic term for mp3 player
@monkey046: Right, all the dives the Spanish takes makes their games anything but fluid.
@blehbleh13: Couldn't you say the same thing about Super AMOLED and Samsung? They did create it and can define it whatever the want as well.
Ahhh...now I understand why MS phone was called the "Kin"...
Can I customize Heineken to taste good?
Too bad it wasn't full frame like some of the early rumors. I know it wasn't likely, but man, if Sony came out with a cheap(er) full frame, it really could have been a game changer. Now it's just two mediocre (spec wise) entry level DSLRs.
@iiyanx7: Just because you used other platforms doesn't mean you're not biased.
@jf79: So do what the article says and just buy a damn Google phone and your problems are solved.
@There-can-only-be-one-monkeypox:Could you explain? Do you mean every time you update itunes it loses the ratings? I update itunes and it isn't been a problem and it keeps all my ratings, but I do NOT want to mistakenly lose all the ratings.
That last "joke" is in pretty poor taste, to put it mildly.
@CustomFirmware: I hope I don't sound like a jerk, but I think you mean sexual innuendos.