
The US: “This week has been the worst.”

Oh yeah he definitely loves it because he is a racist eugenicist and it takes attention away from Trump/Russia. Plus this only feeds his base. Makes me rage.

Yep, can’t get more Nazi than that. Fucking pieces of shit.

As a German, seeing this is utterly surreal. I mean...they are literally copying these guys:

They wouldn’t even wait for the pushing to begin.

Trigger warning. And here’s video:

The South lost. The Nazis lost. Why is it these losers emulate other... oh I answered my own question.

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

I hate thinking about things too.

I don’t know why any country wants to host the Olympics these days, best case scenario it’s a huge cost that you might see recouped after several years of tourism and reusing the new facilities, worst case scenario is this, a post-apocalyptic hellscape with increased crime all around.

It’s about the everyday realities of living with the other sex. Women fear FROM MEN: being raped, assaulted, stalked, harassed and murdered. Men fear FROM WOMEN: rejection.

Sometimes I call my bf my lil cinnamon stick or my lil clove bud.

That’s an interesting point I hadn’t considered. I definitely don’t think it’s applicable in my situation but I’m gonna look into it and educate myself nonetheless.

I see both your points. It IS effective, but it is also kind of degrading. I’m doing it now in my relationship with my bf trying to get him to do more around the house. I praise him when he does do things and I tell him how much I love it when he does those things too. It is effective and also generally is taken

I’m actually dealing with this in a different way right now. I’ve been trying to get my boyfriend to participate more in the chores around the house, or more accurately I am trying to get him to SEE the chores that need to be done around the house (I’ve noticed a lot of men lack a basic awareness of what it

Titty sucking FTW. Thanks for the tip! ;)

Don’t knock it till you try it! I’m queer and never scissored for like the first 15 years of my sexual history but when I finally did it all made sense. It’s just all about the angle and you might have to work at it to find the right one but it’s actually a fun and sexy way for 2 vagina havers to get off at the same