I don't remember that but one time I discovered my best friends roommate on that website modeling some pretty heinous vintage lingerie and all the commenters were ruthless, a bunch of people were surmising that she was trans, when she is not :(
I don't remember that but one time I discovered my best friends roommate on that website modeling some pretty heinous vintage lingerie and all the commenters were ruthless, a bunch of people were surmising that she was trans, when she is not :(
“Does anyone else but me remember the terrible backlash one couple got on that site for having a hobo themed wedding?”
What’s sad is that it’s not that I don’t remember it, it’s that I don’t know which one you mean because ‘hobo-themed’ events are SO. COMMON.
Did anyone else here comment regularly on Regretsy? Does anyone else but me remember the terrible backlash one couple got on that site for having a hobo themed wedding? I would have guessed hobo chic would have died its painful death in those comment threads circa 2012(?)
Thanks for calling me a dumbfuck sunshine person-have a great day, dumbfuck cloud of gloom and pestilence! :)
Whenever you feel like you’re wasting time and money, just remember that Richard Feynman came up with his Nobel Prize-winning theory of electrodynamics while sitting in a strip club.
Speedy Ortiz, the Massachusetts band whose singer Sadie Dupuis has become a young feminist icon, begins a worldwide…
Even in his telling of the story, he admits that he didn’t go back to pick it up til confronted...
The Aristocrats!
I mailed a box full of pet poop w. pet poop contributions from my neighbors & family to my ex-fiancé’s office and another box to his home for cheating on me.
How could I have forgotten about Keanu? He seems intelligent and generous with his money. I don’t really understand why she goes for this type. He just looks like a slightly better looking version of Jesse James. So I guess she has a type?
Why can’t she and Keanu just fall in love? Keanu would NEVER smear dog shit!
I’d give up wifi. On balance, not sure it’s been good for my mood.
That’s it. I’m quitting my job and going to live with the elephants in Africa. I hope they have wifi there.
Larval form of an invasive species.
In a clip from an episode of BBC’s This Wild Life, which follows wildlife expert Saba Douglas-Hamilton and her…
I don’t think I’m up for watching the video just yet.