
That is some bullshit white privilege on fleek. (Did I use that right? #whitepeopleproblems)

Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.

You’re 1,000 times smarter than the dickwad in the story, and, incidentally, everyone who likes Donald Trump.

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

I thought that too, but who gets so much pleasure from fucking with McD’s employees that they’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars and an hour of their time in the service of a prank? If no one is actually going to eat all that food, and it was just a prank, well...that’s commitment.

The burger scam one is exactly why restaurants end up with a policy of “You ate more than a little bit, we don’t believe you when you claim it was terrible.” The couple of times we’ve had to send food back it was clear within a bite or two that there was something wrong.

The comment about “breaking the restaurant” makes me think they did it on purpose to cause trouble, not because they actually had people waiting for those burgers.

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.

I have no dog in this fight yet I am horribly offended by this person calling you out like you owe it to the world to be on the forefront of every single social justice movement and also have zero right to contribute snark and humor to an internet blog. Like, irrationally angry right now. What a fucking asshole. Ugh.

girl pls don’t even waste your time.

How sad is your life that you have the time to parse her comments from others and call her out like a dick for it? What a fucking troll.

How sad is YOUR life that you are so privileged that you can spend a bunch of time monitoring one Gawker commenter’s posts??

Did you not see her comment saying

While, alternately, your post history is mind-boggling-douchebagery. How sad is your life that you feel the need to make such dick-bag comments all the time?

also definitely not the point but Hilary girl where do I get those earrings or I will snatch them off your face

making the day after the anniversary of Sandy Hook 2nd Amendment Awareness Day is just a total dick move. how did no one sit him down and say “hey, I get what you’re going for, but there’s a way to be a person, you know?”

Week one: “A well regulated militia,”

“Not only does he spell his name “Garry” — which is almost as reliably indicative of sociopathy as spelling your name “Geoff””