

Actually, straight couples aren't a protected class so she probably could! Any lawyers?

Yeah-and why would you want to say goodbye to all that sweet, sweet money??

I've seen him in concert and can make up my own mind, thanks. Besides, it's not like he's murdering people and we are supporting his mobster lifestyle.

I don't like water wasters but Kanye West is talented; you may not like his music but

But didn't he also hit his wife and boast about it?

He's such a scamp.

I went to high school with Sean Flanery (he added the Patrick later). He drove a Sirocco and was generally a surfer-type dude. Not known for anything but that, really; not really smart, not really funny, not known for being super-friendly but an OK guy. A lot of HS friends on FB now act as if they were always friends

Or Tiller or Angel. Cartwright, Wainwright, etc., almost every single character is named for an occupation or task.

Raspberries, Farmers' Mums...

The early scene in the pub when Angel is going after the underage drinkers? Heaven. Actually, all the scenes are perfect and I can't choose just one!

"I'm a slasher and I must be stopped!"

My sister and I call each other "evil old woman considered frightful or ugly" approximately once a month.

A Hummer Grows in Philly

I don't understand your argument; did the note writer mention anything about the environment? #paintingwithabroadbrush

To me, it looks like downtown Austin, circa 1994.

So—you park on the sidewalk? What if someone in a wheelchair has to get by?

And vaccines are money-losers for Big Pharma! People think that GSK or Pfizer are pushing vaccines to make money no matter how many times they are told that vaccines do not make money for these companies; diabetes medications do.


Well, I am glad it helped and I know what you mean: my mom died a year ago when I was 47 and I feel like a lost little girl to this day. That is a deeply devastating, wounding and affecting loss, especially for a child who can't process it as "easily" as an adult. Hang in there and I'm sure she would be proud of your