
When I was eight, (1974) I stole several things (candy, cheap earrings) from the local drug store. My dad walked me in and made me pay back what I stole and apologize to the owner. I cried my ass off, apologized and haven't stolen anything since. And not once was I ever spanked by my parents.

And he went on and on for a long time, too. Very defensive about it.

Lawyers won't be involved. CPS will send a case manager to the house.

I like your moxie!

It isn't just this event; it's that event likely is the public face of many similar events.

I would say "wreckFULL" driving, actually. And I agree with your entire comment.

Well, she had him in the front seat at a very young age and almost drove other drivers off the road, so she could get busted for that.

Thanks! I am a bit of a Nazi but I guess I'm like the cobbler who has no shoes and didn't check my own work. Sheesh.

Good God, that is horrible. Have you been able to come to terms with that? I mean, are you OK now? I'm very sorry.

Good. And full disclosure: I've bumped into people turning right doing almost the same thing. We inch forward, I look to my left and keep inching-boom. Thankfully, never a claim or really any damage. Lesson learned, though.


I'll never forget the first time I heard a friend get reamed by her parent. My dad is a psychiatrist and we calmly spoke about things in our house so I wasn't used to yelling. I was eight or so and my friend's mom flipped out on her for opening a can of frozen OJ. I had to leave the house, I was shaking so badly. Yes,

Oh, and she almost drove another two-three cars off the road. Piece of work.

Oh, she's a Houstonian. That explains a lot.

It's so very rarely the fault of the person in front; if she hit you, she was too close or driving too fast (or not paying attention). Period.

Offer to Help (Don't know how to bold!)

I guess he felt like he needed to comment somewhere! Thanks for the explanation.


Switching gears: I see the period comment a lot these days; what does it mean?

Oh, but he was just trying to make a point!