
Naw, just take your prenatals and you'll be fine.

No, that's OK with us who live close to downtown. Perhaps a quiet Rough Hollow life is what she needs right now...

That makes me feel a bit better; it's a good 15 miles from Austin, right? I don't really want her near my house.

Good God, she lives in Austin? This city has officially jumped the shark.

Well, I don't think he's actually falling apart. You may not remember him from the 80s but he has been volatile for decades. We are all just privy to it now.

Nailed it. "I flew 3000 miles!"

Be a strong aunt (which you already are, obviously) and make sure they stay in school and have self-worth. Take them to get ice cream. Make them use their manners and clean up after themselves. Be an authority figure to them; they need boundaries and need to know someone will be there for them. You're wonderful for

I still laugh way too hard at #LOLOLOlolololololol.


Is that a Ford Fusion? I have to say that I am impressed with its looks and I'm now considering the Energi Titanium this year.

Linda or Janet.

Am I the only human who isn't moved at all by the Les Miz soundtrack? I finally watched the movie and found the songs incredibly repetitive and "musical-ish". The Pink Floyd short program idea is more up my alley and I know I can't be alone.

New season, new coach-let's take it up a notch!

Thank you!! PP has always had such a robust presence here but I didn't know about the state government helping out back in the day...

Do you really think that medical research is privately funded?! You've heard of the National Institutes of Health, right? They fund most medical research in the US-yes, even research at private medical schools like Johns Hopkins. Also:

And the private sector has done SUCH a great job with health insurance, hasn't it?

Thank you. Perfectly stated.

LOVE the burnt orange; might wear it to the Texas Longhorns' first home game this year. ;-)

Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. The song "Mr. Bojangles" never fails to make me cry.

LOVE your costume. You clearly have a terrific sense of humor.