
I haven't started, honey—and I despise poor grammar.

I know; it clangs in mine ears.

Yao Ming!

OMG, a friend of mine met John last year; I am 47 and I was kind of jealous! She said he had the BEST personality.

And fainting. And I think thousands of people waited in line to see Valentino's funeral cortege.

Full disclosure: I am probably many years/decades older than other Jezebel readers but here are my stories. I have a picture of Paul McCartney waving at me and my son when we waited for him before a concert a few months ago and I chatted with (and was hugged by) Jimmy Page on a London street last year. There wasn't

I could watch Hot Fuzz daily.

A great attitude. Thank you.

Haha!! Did one of you rub his tiny, tiny paws?

Dang, I forgot how funny she was.

You didn't need them as friends, anyway.

It's fine in Austin and Houston just re-elected their openly lesbian mayor for the third time but don't ask me about the small towns. Still, don't write us off; some of us are fighting!

I think I have one more season to go; hasn't been added to Netflix yet. :-(

You haven't seen Luther, have you?

She looks amazing with the pixie. All of the women looked fantastic, IMO.


It's so hard to lose a pet friend; I lost both of my kitties 12 days apart 12 years ago and I still miss them. I'm very sorry for your loss.

There are few things ruder than that but I am seeing more and more shops and cafes who won't give you service if you are on the phone. One's personal call just isn't that important and if it is, one can always say, "Excuse me; this is important but I will be right back".