
i hope you realize that now people are focusing on the fact that you’re a rude bitch instead of your article that was actually decent. way to shoot yourself in the foot. maybe you’re new at this job (and probably won’t be employed here too much longer judging by the current financial state of gawker), but there is

That doesn’t make it right. It was a terribly unprofessional thing to do, the other guy had enough tact to apologize for his post, are you a big enough person to do the same?

Why don’t you fuck off you yellow journalistic hack? You know exactly what you wrote was click bait and you knew exactly what she meant when she asked that you change it.

Wow, you just lost a lot of credibility, Jia. Responding to an opposing opinion in that way, even over something as benign as the title of your article, does far more damage to you as a writer than to the one who posted the comment. Think about it, now people aren’t thinking about the subject of your article, they are

Hey Jia. Great article. Now try evolving past Grade 4 recess talk when someone is critical over your choice of a fucking title.

we can’t just have an honest conversation about it

So your subject said it was ok? That diesn’t make your statement any more professional. Great article and all I found it quite engrossing but your response is completely unprofessional. With that said I should probably get back to work.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

The headline IS clickbait. There’s about 72 thousand other titles you could have used. I had the same reaction and wanted to know why so I read it.

That is your response to a very fair comment. Do you expect to be taken serious?

eeeeeeeeasy! even I see the title being misunderstood so chill out ffs.

Super unprofessional...

Thin skinned? Have you seen the hate thrown my way? Seriously, I hope everyone is really getting their jollies bullying me cause it's pretty gross. This is women coming together? I made a mistake and have no apologized for it about 10 times - what else would you like me to do? Take down my post? I would do so happily

And yet another mature response from an author on the site. My god, I thought commenting was supposed to be about discussion and debate and all I get is slammed. How many times do I have to say that I realize now that I used the wrong words to describe what I meant and realize that it came across completely

I’m very pro choice, way to be a complete and utter moron.

Wow - I’m just so disgusted by the hate and vitriol that has been thrown at me for one comment - I said something wrong so give me a chance to explain myself before coming at me with such disgusting attacks. I am pro-choice and completely support this woman. I meant that the headline made me think that Gawker was

Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened

You should change the headline - even if just for this woman's sake - yes, she had an abortion but she did so for a very specific reason and it's click bait to leave the headline as is. I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.