
hahahahaha :)

It would be absurd, since it was Gendry and not Podrick who was there.

Didn't Arya overhear plotting when she was chasing that cat and had to hide because she heard voices? I think one of the people was Varys and I thought the other was Littlefinger?

I commented above you before reading your comment but Dany also ran into her dragon's flames in the fighting pits in the books and remained unhurt.

Re: the answer about Dany only being fireproof in one instance in the book ie: the birth of her dragons - is inaccurate. When she was being attacked in the fighting pits and her dragon came to save her it was roasting people and she ran into the flames and climbed on top of it and rode off. Her hair was burnt off

I'm ok with Pedro Pascal not being on the show anymore since he went on to Narcos :)

Montreal actually has a lot of Hells Angels, fun fact :)

I liked the look on Elizabeth's face when the Philip recited the 'and promised yourself to no other' vows.

Lyanna Mormont's resting bitch face is priceless.

That would be so great!!!

hahaha :)

Matt did have a bite, Travis pulled down his shirt and saw it and commented on it.

oh, thanks for clearing that up :)

Wouldn't that thing that was in the zombie's mouth that Hershel put into Glen's mouth infect him?