
If an 18-year-old says he scored nine times, it means he maaaybe got one handjob.

Dom, please stop piling on. Show some MRSA.

Drake is what he is. You want to read about the real Raptors fan, then here is a thread for you

That “Let’s Go Blues” chant ringing through the Garden as Bruins fans sullenly skulk for the exits warms the cockles of my cold, black heart.

As much as I dislike MM, she’s not totally in the wrong here. If you are four years behind on a show that everyone is talking about then you’re stuck getting some spoilers. For everyone’s reference, Season 4 of GoT started the same month that Captain America: The Winter Soldier was released. We’re not holding off on

The Sharks are in a really bad hole here.  It’s going to take everything in the referee’s power to bail them out the next two games.

“It’s like a cow pissing on a flat rock” is how I like to describe a heavy downpour. A remnant of my southern upbringing. Thanks grandpa.

I think the problem with this is that Dany is supposed to become a complete psycho monster.  I’m sure that’s one of the things that GRRM told the show writers when he shared his plan for the ending of the show.  She is not supposed to end up as the benevolent ruler.  The problem is just that they made her take this

Now playing

I remember playing it in middle school/high school. I’m 41. It became more popular after being on Malcolm in the Middle:

I had no idea this was a thing.  I want my ignorance back.  Fuck 4chan.

My 13 yr old has issues with sensory overload. (ASD) The spontaneous screaming that happens during the playoffs is unsettling, to say the least. On the way home last night, knowing we’re going to put the game on as soon as we walk in the door, he declared, again, how much he hates playoff hockey season.

My wife, watching crowd shots during a break in the first overtime: “Why are all the fans standing there with their hands over their mouths?”

Thought this was going to be a classic Blues disappointment: outplay and still manage to lose. Still can’t believe they won. Still can’t believe they didn’t lose.

I think offsides replays are ridiculous.

This is so much more wholesome than when Clark the Cub harasses opposing players for HJs.

Manny Machado: good-natured scamp.

The golden ring of hell.

Best line I saw: Daniel Jones looks like the actor they’d cast to play Eli in a movie about Peyton’s life.

I’m an Eagles fan. I just realized- WE get to face Daniel Jones twice a year!

*does happy dance*

When will people realize that you should never yell or threaten violence towards their child whenever they do something wrong? Only their kids college coaches should be allowed to do that.