Username content synergy ftw
Username content synergy ftw
MEH, nice sentiment on both sides here. Props to the winning coach for being willing to go to the “lion’s den” to give the other guys props for a hard fought game and props to the losing coach for going along with it. No need to castigate anyone here.
In Indiana, no less.
Looks at Duke schedule to see if they play any true road games pre-ACC that aren’t mandated by conference. Check.
“Bill Belichick hires him, so he’s a good dude” is the weirdest defense. Belichick would have his players sleep inside murdered hobos like tauntauns if he thought it would give him a slight edge.
The true hero of the piece is David “No Jeep Left Behind” Tracy who ignored the gunfire to walk out into no man’s land and fix the poor jeep’s broken wheel.
She literally only stopped the bus there to watch the implosion. This is amazing accidental douchebaggery.
So, by ‘rotary’ you mean a ‘roundabout’? I’m not judging, I just want to know if we’re on the same page here.
referring to the team in the singular reeks of Europe, and will not be tolerated
You have to admit though, that one time Jeff Fisher trotted out the picks he raped the Redskins for, as Captains of the coin toss, against them, was straight up Badassery. I will always remember him for that moment.
I don’t want to Monday Morning QB your editor but I think we probably would have figured out “Boston” from the rest of the headline.
I’ll counter that Jeff Fisher did an absolutely masterful coaching job with the Rams. He wasn’t brought in to win, he was brought in to tank the team and erode as much fan support in the city of St. Louis as possible so that it would be easier to move the Rams to LA and we STILL supported the Rams way more than they…
We won’t fully know the extent until the Rams get three more wins.
As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.
It is absolutely an arguement against DH.
More like Pittsburgh Stealers, amirite?
I still remember in middle school 20 years ago when the girl I liked told me she liked me over AIM. I wound up going to college with her and marrying her. Now I’m divorced.