Kim Karlagerfeld

What happens if you have the good fortune to be on the slide when the BIG one hits?

Ugh, I’m over here now so it’s a little hard to keep on hearing this “racist” thing. It’s a simple way to discount the decision. Here are the main complaints not in any order, but they were all brought up over and over again:

The people have spoken—and they have no idea what they are talking about.

“This means we can smoke in pubs again, right?”

I work in the banking industry. There were absolutely experts predicting the collapse of the housing market. Your statement is the opposite of true. But that’s about what one can expect from low-information Dunning Kruger exemplars who dismiss experts as ‘useless’.

“the public voted against every major political party leader and corporation”

There were no economists predicting the collapse of the housing market. Forgive me while I dismiss them all as useless.

Ignored? The whole Leave campaign was run to pander to the uneducated - it certainly wasn’t ran on facts, because every piece of campaign literature I received through my door was literally full of lies.

Yeah I hear that. 10% less well off. Tell me, what is 10% of £0.00?

I’ve noticed that any political opinion that runs counter to Gawker’s is seen as inherently wrong, and not a legitimate alternative viewpoint.

Poppycock, no one said “you guys” until the FEMINIST BLOGGERS(TM) started doing it.

She learned the King’s English from Madonna!

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

I watched this on an airplane and SOBBED through the whole thing. My boyfriend was extremely embarassed.

Yes it is. Long overdue. I remember not having a dime to buy Kotex out of the dispenser back in high school and praying all the toilet paper I’d made into a pseudo pad wouldn’t fall out of my underpants. I can’t even imagine being homeless or jailed and unable to keep yourself clean. Let’s be honest, if men had blood

Lively said she “never meant to offend anyone,”

I’m not going to speak for torchbearer2, but the position you outline but disagree with is legally the correct position. Mix tapes, camcorder videos, covers, etc. are not necessarily fair use, nor are they necessarily outside the realm of copyright infringement. Yes, this means that a huge number of practices that we

for real. and who is going to search every teenager slideshow video looking for the one that used the song they want to listen to, just because they don’t want to pay for the album? my big problem with this whole thing is when i try to upload live dance/gymnastic performances that use popular songs. they all get

While that’s true, that’s not exactly what the changes described effect. FOr example, how does a Youtube cover of a song, or even—to be closer—a video of a young person putting on makeup or something with Taylor Swift in the background, apply to copying over albums to friends? That battle was Napster, and it’s already

Eh, we're a republic here in America and I'm pretty confident that we're no better off than we'd have been if we hadn't fought the Revolution.