
breaking the front hood lifts. My mom’s ford explorer is broken like that and it makes checking the oil rather difficult lol

The uber driver should have been watching the road, that was the whole point of him being there. He’s also supposed to have his hands hovering over the steering wheel, but he was on his phone. That’s negligent af bro

I used to have three full size broncos. That is all

I watched the video filmed from a helicopter where Shelby murdered that unarmed man. She straight up shot him in the back while he had his hands up, AND she had at least four officers with her backing her up.

Having owned both a e30 and e36 i have to say that the handling of the LSD on the e36 was noticeably more fun. I went from a 1987 325e (inline v6) to a 1992 318is (m42 engine). The interior of my e36 was terrible but the joy i got from taking turns in that car was memorable to say the least. I would love to own a ‘99

OK So this has been on my mind for a month now, thinking that if I kept my eye out I could find a car on the road that matches suspect’s car. I think it’s a late model Lexus LS 460. My theory for this whole time was that the taillights would give us the most hints as to what make and model the car is. They are too

Uh, Carl lost an eye well before Negan showed up. I stopped reading your article after I read that part. How did you get to be senior editor, oh wait this is online news media. You compete with algorithms that write entire stories so I shouldn’t be surprised..

You’ve never touched GTA online? What was the point of even bringing that up? First of all, if you work for kotaku and you haven’t played GTA Online you should be fired immediately, and second, you sounded a little bit too smug with that statement. “Take-Two makes hundreds of millions off a game that’s three years old