
Both parties are guilty, true. Pro-corporate neoconism has infected both sides. The left is trying to fight that establishment by becoming even more against borders which makes no sense unless you frame it in the context of identity, which they of course are doing. Why would Consuela and Henrique be for policy that

I don’t want to insult you, but you make that difficult with the way you reply. You speak as if there are the same amount of black and white people in the south or in the country in general. There are not. There are many, many times more white people than there are black people. You know this so you should not be

You are disagreeing with fact.  Let’s not waste each other’s time.  You can disagree, but you can’t call what is black, white.

Consider yourself for a moment. I believe you are probably a smart, qualified person. You write coherently, get your points across. You may not have the best points but that could be a function of something other than your intelligence.

Cletus is getting welfare. No doubt. But Cletus is the exception to the rule in the South.

He’s planning a long vacation so that he will not distract from the news that is about to drop.

I think you actually believe this. If either party were serious about border security the first thing to be fixed would be the asylum process that NGOs have exploited for decades to get millions into this country that are simple migrants and not refugees. Currently, if you understand how to fill out the application

You are describing socialism and you know it. Stop lying. You may be confusing much of the readership here.

You know what I know, and your comment is therefore another not intended for me but for anyone else who comes across it. Oddly enough, you tell the same lies and mischaracterize the same things.

If Balkanization of America were to occur, war would follow shortly after.  This does not make the idea unfavorable. 

“Pelosi and Schumer in 2018 are all Democrats”

You are clearly not that bright. Yes, Democrats support open border policy through amnesty and resistance to border security. They also support ridiculous asylum laws that allow illegals into our country legally who skip their court dates and disappear into the shadows.

@Sundowner in Chief

Turn-n-Burn needs to rely on MW definitions to even begin discussing the topic. He is the median intellect of the left.

Democracy only works in a unified, educated country whose population shares common goals. This is why socialism worked in Nordic Europe. Those small countries were more like communities than they were nations.

To understand the appeal of fascism you must first understand the most basic problems with democracy.

Trans Women have it much worse than cis women in this respect. It wasn’t until 2015 that they were allowed to appear on TV. This means that they were shut out - entirely - from a sizable chunk of the labor market.

Odd that journalists would want to attend a Christmas Party in the first place.

Rule 4.

There have been many iterations of Kinja. Some with all in the black, some with all in the grey, and some with a weird mix of horribly boring commenters in each zone. I fancy it has not so much to do with the mass greying as it does those looking for edgy, new age political views aren’t here in grandma’s basement