
so i guess someone had a bad day

OPENDNS all i have to say

SLAX best i think for portable way more versatile

the thing is thats touch justs like """""3d"""""" technology is still not refined enough to replace oldschool tech like buttons and 2d gaming lol

@se7a7n7: ME FUCK IE7 FUCK IE 8 both are fail

built my desktop in 2002 and it beat my laptop i got in 2008 so yea desktops win

ripoff is to profit as death is to living

built in sharing works fine as long as the computers are on but if you need to save energy then NAS so you dont have to have all the computers on

TV 0hrs a day

2 large screens and 2 small

thats why we love Google so much they know what people want. more companies need to work with the people instead of against them.

do i get my money back if i dont like it?

@Marand: linux thats a different story 4 gig HD 512 ram and i play games on it linux is just completely preformance

Achievements? They are just another excuse for people to engage in meaningless squabble.

@TheClap: if its on xp you just need some matenece on it cuz they still run fine but im not talking about xp. to me xp has died even though i still use it. there are 2 new windows OSs out so this ram issue is for those comps and 2 gigs on vista is a big no no because vista kills 800 megs just on startup

@Marand: yea im not talking about xp

im sorry but 4 gig is the new 1 gig bellow 4 gig is not cool

@battra92: it was nothing but problems for me also

if i record i skip but if its live that's time for me to get more food #tv