Hate to be a pedant (ok, no I don't), but Misfits was shown on E4 and was produced by Channel 4. Not the BBC.
Hate to be a pedant (ok, no I don't), but Misfits was shown on E4 and was produced by Channel 4. Not the BBC.
The only thing I disagree with in this review is the idea that the Doctor insulting Clara for no reason is mean-spirited. It's not: it's very quintessentially Scottish. The Doctor has already referenced his Scottishness a few times. Personally, I didn't even notice it because it's that much of a cultural norm for me.…
I can't say I'm too surprised. The amount of rewrites Marvel have asked for on his script over the years is enough to make me think that perhaps they could never really share the same vision for this film. Which is a pity because after Scott Pilgrim, which is easily his best directed film if not necessarily his best…
This review needs way less in the way of explaining EVERY SINGLE MOMENT in the show a tad bit more analysis…
Maybe a little, but given that she's basically a cipher for the audience we should expect more so we can at least identify with her. Is her suddenly miraculous acquisition of knowledge towards the end part of that, or just a kind of deus ex machina type device to get us to the end of the story?
I love Nolan, and this is the only film to date where he's handled writing duties himself. I think the film is a little overrated and you're right, there's many things that point to the whole thing being a dream. Not just the character development but also the excessive application of video game logic (particularly…
I liked Inception a lot, and I agree with the article here in as much as the ending doesn't matter. Dom makes his peace with the past, returns home to his kids. Reality or not, that's basically all he wanted.