
My FR-S hated when I had my backpack on the passenger seat...

When will people stop doing stupid things in general? History shows never. People will abuse everything to its absolute and full potential. Don’t expect this to stop with Teslas, or cars, or anything else for that matter.

Having the Vice President speak ruined it? I bet if you ask the soldiers they don’t feel that way. They are still some patriots in the US. What a BS story. 

I completely agree. The reason I bought one is because it is almost... competly empty like a 67 camaro. I wanted no extras and got a few anyway. Like Bluetooth, touch screen stereo, power windows, traction control, fold down seat that you can put track tires in. I actually sold my 67 camaro to buy a FR-S and don’t

Wise words Fred Rogers, wise words. 

Why don't you build the next SpeceX or Tesla then? Armchair transportation expert. 

You have to learn to crawl before you walk. And learn to walk before you run. It is a victory because they are going to keep learning with each tunnel they dig. Look how far SaceX has come now. 

Why don't I give you the middle finger, and you read me my rights? 

Tesla has the battery technology, supply chain and a nationwide charging station. You can say anything you want about all of the “competition”. However, the fact is that there is no competition at all. You can also add that no one in the world knows as much as they do about electric cars and what it takes to build

It is crazy that people think demand is falling for Tesla. Think about how many cars they have sold and how many commercials have you seen or heard? They are not even at a point where they need to advertise yet. They are still selling record amounts of cars with word of mouth advertising. There are many, many things

Fuck yes. 

Love it! Killer color scheme. 

It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning. 

I like it a lot.” - Forest Gump

She's a beaut Clark! 

I do not notice other drivers. They are in their little world and I am in mine. I commute 47 miles each way to work and could care less who the other crazies on the streets are. Possible exceptions are when I am riding my Aprilia and I see another Italian bike. Or give a head nod to someone in a BRZ or FR-S when I am

Interesting how you can paint all Christians with such a broad brush. Do you want to start down the road of all X people do Y? That is just as bad. Everyone is different. I know a lot of great Christians that would find this behavior quite un-Christian!

Jeesh scary that instead of building off of decades of social change and reform that we are just going to burn it to the ground instead of building off of what many great men and women have done for our country. I am about ready to move to Asia and live happily ever after.

OK. First of all let me school you on what the horned hand (Devil sign or Dio) is. It is the hand with the index finger and pinky finger only pointing straight up. If the thumb is out it means I LOVE YOU! He is giving the I love you sign, not the Dio. (mic drop)