What are you talking about? The obvious critiques people have is about a) Citigroup choosing the Obama administration, then b) receiving the bailout from said administration against the will of the people.
What are you talking about? The obvious critiques people have is about a) Citigroup choosing the Obama administration, then b) receiving the bailout from said administration against the will of the people.
I can think of no better group of people to whom to give my credit card number than people who publish everything they find to the Internet.
I’m really digging how Democrats are becoming the new party of useless Cold War posturing and opposition to whistle blowers.
Its not my fault you got a DUI
Well then we should just outlaw religion then.
Could be his sister and mother. Could be his mother and grandmother if the victim is his sister. It’s just utterly fucked up. Let’s hope he gets arrested for something minor and ends up serving his suspension.
The key here is “joke”. I have knocked about the most vile and crude things, and still do cause I have a sick sense of humor sometimes. And if you would ever hear me say the phrase “grab ‘em by the pussy” you can bet that I am not even being remotely serious. Im pretty sure old Don the sleaze bag wasnt joking...
You don’t know too many lawyers, I take it.
Actually Draymond, Apple has routinely been accused of anti-competitive behavior.
I didn’t necessarily think you were defending Trump, I’m just reacting to you saying that you haven’t seen the video. It took me a couple of days to work up the guts to watch it, but it’s not just “jokes”, it’s bragging about things he’s done.
He’s joking about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it. “I just start kissing them” like he’s attracted to their heads “like a magnet”. It’s repulsive from start to finish, made more so by Bush’s sophomoric giggling-along.
Or just use your government email
You were thiiiiiiiiiiis close to pulling that one off.
Then don’t get elected or appointed to federal office. Problem solved.
It’s possible it just fell along gender lines in their particular team/group. I don’t think he was referring to gender lines in the population, and until these leaks, wasn’t a national referendum on subject headers.
MS Outlook: New Rule: Move message with specific words in the subject to a folder: Deleted Items
Maybe this guy is responsible for the deletion of 33,000 emails. He told someone “Hey, if the subject line is just “RE:” and nothing else, delete it, because no one has anyway of knowing what it’s about.”
Look, Carrie Hunt, I like you, but you're seemingly unfamiliar with the way that law works in the US and in the fairy world of "international law". I'm a lawyer trained from a top 5 law school in the U.S., and one that was overwhelmingly liberal (in the US sense, not the more common global meaning of economic…
If by one of those guys, you mean the ones who recognize that the U.N is a worthless circle-jerk that does nothing, then sure. Better yet, go ask the Syrians or the Libyans who continue to be slaughtered what they think of the U.N and it's precious little want to be Bill of Rights.
Ah, so just as thought, you have no idea what you are talking about. Thanks for clearing that up.