Any diet advice that says THIS IS BAD NEVER EAT/DRINK IT is bullshit. Except, maybe, don’t eat radioactive waste. That shit really is bad for you.
Any diet advice that says THIS IS BAD NEVER EAT/DRINK IT is bullshit. Except, maybe, don’t eat radioactive waste. That shit really is bad for you.
Hopefully this was a public lecture attended by people who wanted to hear your thoughts about whether or not they should drink juice.
Me and my fresh, squeezed orange juice have elected to ignore this heresy.
Sounds like a hell of a weekend for those people.
Juice is not bad. Outside of rare cases (trans fats) no foods are inherently bad. Juice is a perfectly fine addition to normal healthy diet.
Labelling foods “bad” can actually be dangerous, and create weird relationships with food that lead to issues like Orthorexia nervosa
Eh. I’m one of those people that doesn’t think sugar is bad anyhow. I drink fresh veg/fruit juice every morning before my workout and it gives me a heck of a lot more energy with than without. I’m okay with sugar.
I would still rather a parent drop some OJ on their kids than all this fucking soda bullshit they drink. By the time they get to me in HS they are wired little sugar crack fiends.
Did he say “I don’t stand by anything” at 0:42?
Sure he could. That’s the thing about Trump: every time you think he’s hit rock bottom, he digs a tunnel underneath it.
“So, all of a sudden, I’m the bad guy for saying black people are lazy thieves and Muslims should be herded in box cars? Its my viewpoint! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!”
Ignorant of History. Refuses to take any responsibility for his actions. Leaves when not taken at his word.
Only thing that can stop a bad guy with a machete, is a good guy with a machete.
In Summer 2006 I was in Mozambique for a job. We had to clear away 6 foot tall grass around some dilapidated ruins. I took one of the machetes we had for this task and started chopping down the grass. Let me tell you, that made the job so much easier.
Trump loves Jackson. The same Andrew Jackson who committed actual fuckin’ genocide against Natives Americans.
I keep going back to an ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on the USFL, which Trump helped destroy with his narcissism. His interview with the filmmaker is the blueprint for his presidency. He’s very defensive and therefore goes on a preemptive offensive, and when pressed into a corner, he gets up and leaves.
This wasn’t even the craziest interview Trump gave that is making the rounds today - he sat with the Washington Examiner and wondered, out loud, why the Civil War wasn’t resolved diplomatically. He championed one Andrew Jackson, the super petty/racist/evil douche who was “really angry that he saw what was happening…
This man could not dishonor his office any more were he to drop his drawers and take a dump right on the Oval Office desk.
“...and (he) always seems to be the dumbest person in the room” - because he absolutely is and will always be The.Dumbest.Person.In.The.Room.
Trump’s Word Salad is only slightly more coherent than, say, Sarah Palin but holy fucking shit he legitimately does not have a filter, was clearly not prepared to answer a question for which his response should nailed down, and always seems to be the dumbest person in the room.
You said [Obama] was sick and bad.”